Blog by Tag: year6
Life as a Titanic passenger
The children in Hawks have been learning all about the disaster of the Titanic this half term. This week they acted as a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class passenger. They went to the dining room and ate their meals which they had prepared earlier in the day whilst watching Titanic documentaries and listened…
Category: Hawks
Hawks...Ready, Steady, COOK!
Children in Hawks this week had a cooking lesson in the Wing. They have been learning about healthy lifestyles and balanced diets. The children have also been learning about life as a Titanic passenger and have created different menus. The children worked in teams to create two breakfast…
Category: Hawks
healthyliving hawks healthy KS2 year5 year6 Healthy eating titanic cooking baking the Wing healthy plate
Last week we started our very exciting new topic, 'Disaster Strikes!' The children were put into many different disaster situations; tsunami, Titanic hitting an iceburg, tornado and an avalanche.
Which disaster did you enjoy being in the most? Why? Do you have any questions about any of…
Category: Hawks
topic hawks KS2 year5 year6 disaster strikes
Hawks create 3D shapes from nets
For our 'Silent Night' display, we made houses and log cabins using nets to make 3D shapes. We drew around the nets and measured some of the edges. We converted cm to mm, mm to m and cm to m.
What did you enjoy most about the lesson? What 3D shape did you make? Did you find any of it…
Category: Hawks
maths Christmas hawks display year5 year6 3D shapes nets
Hawks compose music
After we had written our songs, we used digital media to compose a song for our lyrics.
What did you enjoy most about this lesson? Did you find anything tricky?
Category: Hawks
music hawks computing KS2 year5 year6
Walk the lights
On Wednesday evening, KS2 went on a family trip to walk the lights.
Year 5 and year 6 were launching their new topic for after half term.
Please email Miss Howarth photographs of you at the illuminations for our display.
What do you like most about Blackpool illuminations? Who did…
Category: Hawks
hawks science Blackpool illuminations KS2 year5 year6 light
Synonyms and Antonyms in OAA
In OAA today, Hawks had to work as a team to unscramble letters to find a key 'survival' word. They then had to find the matching synonyms and the corresponding antonym.
Which synonyms did you find for survival, discovered, abandoned, wondered, alarmed, sturdy, mysterious and…
Category: Hawks
hawks KS2 PE English OAA year5 year6 SPaG synonyms and antonyms
How is Romeo going to adapt to school life?
Today, year 5 and 6 had a talk with Mrs McGrath about Romeo our school dog.
Romeo is going to be our school therapy dog. He will help us with our learning. Romeo will help us read and turn our pages in our books.
Romeo will help anxious children this may include helping them in exams.
Category: Hawks
Eagles hawks science year5 year6 falcons Romeo adaptation therapy dog
We have now started our PALs training. Our PALs team is made up of 10 year 5s and Archie who is a year 6 Senior Prefect, as our Head PAL.
Tonight was our second session. So far we have looked at the qualities of being a PAL and what different games and activities there are for us to lead at…
Category: Sports
active lifestyles year5 year6 sport PALs playground games prefects roles and responsibilities
Hawks Hot-Seat
In Hawks this morning, the children got the opportunity to hot-seat characters from their English book, Kensuke's Kingdom.
What did you ask Mum, Dad, Michael and Stella? How did they feel? What did they think? What were their motives and actions?
Category: Hawks
hawks reading English Speaking and Listening year5 year6 kensuke's kingdom hotseating
Hawks OAA
In OAA last week, Hawks focused on working as part of a team, communication and riddle solving.
What did you enjoy most about OAA last week? What worked well in your teams? What does your team need to think about next week? What riddles can you think of?
Category: Hawks
hawks KS2 PE problem solving OAA year5 year6 communication riddles
Hawks Class Assembly
Last Tuesday, Hawks performed their class assembly to the whole school and to their parents and carers. They show cased what they have been learning in Hawks which included their science topic survival, art and PE.
What did you enjoy the most? What did you parent/carer think of the…
Category: Hawks