Blog by Tag: active lifestyles
Opening of the new playground.
The children were so excited for the opening of the new playground. We were delighted to have the ribbon cut and official opened by Lee Cadwallader Lancashire School games Organiser.
The Children were able to take turns on the playground using their skills to negotiate the equipment and will…
Category: Little Chicks
active lifestyles Physical development social
Falcons go outdoors
This week we have been outdoor learning with Mrs Hicks.
We have been helping to make a bug hotel.
We have also planted lots of bulbs ready for the spring time and learnt how to use a hosepipe! ha
Category: Falcons
outdoor learning active lifestyles garden falcons
Water, Water!
The children in Kestrels have loved starting our new topic all about water this week.
We have set up our own experiment to see what happens to different materials when they are left in water for long periods of time and we have began to explore the book This Morning I Met a Whale by Michael…
Category: Kestrels
kestrels KS2 PE water active lifestyles LKS2
We have now started our PALs training. Our PALs team is made up of 10 year 5s and Archie who is a year 6 Senior Prefect, as our Head PAL.
Tonight was our second session. So far we have looked at the qualities of being a PAL and what different games and activities there are for us to lead at…
Category: Sports
active lifestyles year5 year6 sport PALs playground games prefects roles and responsibilities
A visit from Shelly Woods
The children enjoyed the opportunity to ask our special visitor some questions about her sport and her Olympic medals.
Category: Ducklings
Daily Skipping
The Ducklings have wholeheartedly accepted the new active initiative to do a dialy two minute skip. Many of us find skipping with a rope still quite difficult but that didn't stip us from having a really good go. Some of us continued practising throughout the afternoon and showed real resillence…
Category: Ducklings
duckling eyfs pe active lifestyles
Football Stars.
In the news this week it was announced that there is an initiative to try and increase the participation of girls in football. The Ducklings have made a great start by practising theirt dribbling and shooting skills outside.
The girls were really enthusiastic especially Tallulah who is…
Category: Ducklings
duckling eyfs pe active lifestyles
Wyre and Fylde Dance Competition 2017
On Tuesday 14th March 2017, some children across school took part in the Wyre and Fylde Dance Compeition at The Marine Hall in Fleetwood. The theme was Modern and Musical Theatre. In November 24 primary schools took part in the festival and then 12 primary school were selected to compete. We…
Category: Sports
dance Matilda active lifestyles dancecompetition2017 wyreandfylde
Dinosaur PE
Dinosaur rolling was the skill today.
We love learning about dinosaurs and so our PE is all about them too.
To warm up we pretended to be running from a T-Rex (Mrs. Wills) and had to make the smallest shape we could wehn we haerd the roar.
The quickest and smallest shape was the winner…
Category: Ducklings
duckling eyfs pe active lifestyles
Catching skills
This week we are practising and improving our catching skills. We quickly realised you have to keep your eyes on the ball, stand steadily on two feet and push the ball up in the air. Those Ducklings who are already competent throwers practised throwing at different heights and different…
Category: Ducklings
eyfs pe P.E. active lifestyles
Owls Problem Solving
On Friday 17th January, Owls had a very active problem solving day. We worked in our teams to complete a jump challenge. In our teams we all had to jump, measure and record. We then had to solve problems using the data we collected. This involved converting cm…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 maths wordproblems KS2 PE problem solving challenge active lifestyles jumping data