Blog by Tag: English
CVCC and CCVC words
In Phonics this week we have been practicing and applying our knowledge of CVCC and CCVC words. We have lots of played games, including being word detectives!
Category: Ducklings
writing fine motor English phonics
Out and about surveying traffic
As part of this week's topic we have been thinking about a range of different vehicles we know and listened to 'We all go travelling by'. We went out onto the grass verge outside school to do a traffic survey. We talked about the vehicles we saw most of, and ones we didn't see at…
Category: Ducklings
maths English Speaking and Listening Understanding the World
In the Hot Seat
As part of our 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears' topic this week, we explored the drama technique of 'hot seating'. When a child sat on the 'hot seat', they transformed into a character from our story. They then had to answer questions presented to them from the other children.
Here, Goldilocks…
Category: Ducklings
English Speaking and Listening drama retelling story
The Mystery of the Gingerbread Man
We came to school this week to find a strange event in our classroom...a broken gingerbread man with a letter explaining that he needs our help as everyone keeps trying to catch him. The children had so many questions...How did he get here? Who has been chasing him? How did his leg become broken?…
Category: Ducklings
reading English communication Our stunning start
Danny Duckling needs our help!
We were shocked to find that Danny Duck had made a big mess in the classroom this morning! We had lots of questions and found the answers in a letter to the children from Danny Duckling himself. We helped to make some class rules so that visitors into our room know exactly what we expect from…
Category: Ducklings
Parrots' class reading Jack and the Beanstalk
To start our new English topic playscripts, the children in Parrots' Class have been revisiting the well known children's fairytale story Jack and the Beanstalk. The children loved hearing the story again and were able to describe their favourite and least favourite parts of the story with great…
Category: Parrots
Outdoor Learning Day
Today has been our Outdoor Learning Day in Robins. We had a fabulous day and the weather was kind to us this morning.
We carried on learning about money and we did this outside by finding different amounts of money around the playground and then we had to work out which ones matched even…
Category: Robins
art poetry outdoor learning English Outdoor Classroom Day Robins2020
Information Leaflets
This week we have started to learn about Information Leaflets in our English lessons. We have looked at a range of leaflets and identified some of the features that they have. We spent some time outside looking at them and discussing how they are structured and how they grab the readers…
Category: Robins
outdoor learning English Robins2020
Our Performance of Beowulf
We have been learning an epic poem called, 'The Tale of Mighty Beowulf'. We have worked very hard to learn this 12minute poem of 18verses, off by heart!
What did you enjoy about the story of the poem? What did you enjoy learning about the poem?
Category: Hawks
hawks poetry English year5 year6
This week in our English sessions we have been learning about poems. Today we learnt one of the poems to perform and some of us included actions in our performances. Here is A & E performing their poem.
Category: Robins
Parrots learnt: How To Catch A Star Story using actions
The children in Parrots have learnt the story sequence to: How to Catch a Star using actions to help them remember each key event. Well done everyone.
Category: Parrots
This Week in Robins
This week in Robins we have focused on poetry in English.
We explored rhyming words as well as using our senses to create a poem with adjectives.
The children enjoyed discussing our senses and what we could include in our poems.
In maths this week we have explored division and sharing…
Category: Robins