Letter of the week Z

Image of Letter of the week Z

Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week Z they found objects beginning with Z they wrote the letter Z in the air, they learnt the Z jolly song and wrote Z on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island.

They used the smart board to choose which picture began with…

Category: Little Chicks

writing phonics Singing Letter of the week


Letter of the week Y

Image of Letter of the week Y

Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week  Y they found objects beginning with Y they wrote the letter Y in the air, they learnt the Y jolly song and wrote Y on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island.

They used the smart board to choose which picture began…

Category: Little Chicks

phonics Singing Letter of the week


CVCC and CCVC words

Image of CVCC and CCVC words

In Phonics this week we have been practicing and applying our knowledge of CVCC and CCVC words. We have lots of played games, including being word detectives!


Category: Ducklings

writing fine motor English phonics


Tricky Words

Image of Tricky Words

The Ducklings have been practising reading and writing their tricky words this week.

Category: Ducklings

writing Tricky words phonics


Independent Reading and Understanding

Image of Independent Reading and Understanding

This week the Ducklings have the challenge of reading sentences by themselves and showing they understand what they have read by adding features as needed to the pictures.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Applying our phonics skills

Image of Applying our phonics skills

We love showing off our new phonics knowledge by reading words with our newly learnt graphemes in, making words by segmenting with our phonics fingers, writing tricky words and even sentences with complete independence now.


Category: Ducklings

writing reading phonics


Applying our new phonemes

Image of Applying our new phonemes

The Ducklings are able to apply their knowledge of new phonemes, both digraphs and trigraphs, to blend and read words accurately. This week we have been learning about the long and short sounds that the grapheme 'oo' makes.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Saluting Soldiers

Image of Saluting Soldiers

In Phonics today we introduced the 'ai' digraph through a fun game called 'Saluting Soldiers'. The children had to segment a word to their Captain, who had to blend and write the word. 

Category: Ducklings

phonics Speaking and Listening


Letter of the week k

Image of Letter of the week k

Little Chicks are learning the letter of the week K they found objects beginning with K, they wrote the letter K in the air, they learnt the K jolly song and wrote K on their white boards following Captain Seasalt on treasure island K.



Follow the link for Captain Seasalt letter k 

Category: Little Chicks

phonics Singing Letter of the week


Applying our phonic skills

Image of Applying our phonic skills

We are able to apply our phonic knowledge to help us segment and spell words.


Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Phase 3 Phonics

Image of Phase 3 Phonics

Today we began our Phonics journey into Phase 3 and looked at the letter 'j'.

The children were very excited to move onto their new phase and were busy applying the new phoneme in writing. 

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics


Phonics Challenges

Image of Phonics Challenges

The Ducklings have been showing off their phase 2 phonics knowledge and are using it to independently write words and captions.

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics