Blog by Tag: fine motor
Healthy Fruit Salad
As part of healthy living week, the Ducklings helped to prepare and eat a very healthy fruit salad! It was very yummy.
Category: Ducklings
fine motor fruit Healthy eating Healthy living week
CVCC and CCVC words
In Phonics this week we have been practicing and applying our knowledge of CVCC and CCVC words. We have lots of played games, including being word detectives!
Category: Ducklings
writing fine motor English phonics
Making 'lemon and limeade!'
The Ducklings were enjoying some messy play fun in the sun, squeezing lemons and limes to make some potions.
Category: Ducklings
fine motor Creative learning Messy play
Construction and vechiles
Little Chicks have been learning about vehicles and what we use them for, how to construct vehicles using different construction kits.
Little Chicks manipulated the tools to place the wheels and cogs on the vehicles and the parts to make diggers.
We sang along to ‘Construction…
fine motor construction Singing story
Little Chicks are learning about dinosaurs, the different species, their different diets, they looked at fossils and how they lived.
Dinosaur role play.
Using shapes to draw a dinosaur. Treasure hunt finding dinosaur flash cards
Category: Little Chicks
fine motor activemaths Role-play Story listening
House of Sticks
Following on from reading The Three Little Pigs, these girls decided that they wanted to collect sticks and build a house with them. They gathered all of the resources together that they needed and worked as a team to create their stick house.
Category: Ducklings
fine motor traditional tales Physical development Creative learning
Building Houses
The Ducklings have been creating new homes for the three little pigs. They have constructed them using cocktail sticks, held together with raisins and marshmallows.
Category: Ducklings
Design and Technology fine motor
Decorating Gingerbread People
We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.
Category: Ducklings
Decorating Gingerbread People
We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.
Category: Ducklings
Decorating Gingerbread People
We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.
Category: Ducklings
Construction Club
This week, construction club began for our Year 1 and 2 children. The children worked independently or collaboratively to plan, build, adapt and evaluate designs using a range of tools.
Category: Sports
Threading and weaving
The Ducklings have been exercising their fine motor skills by weaving, threading and winding wool around different leaf shapes.
Category: Ducklings