Spelling CCVC words

Image of Spelling CCVC words

The Ducklings have been busy spelling words beginning with two consonants.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Pirate phonics

Image of Pirate phonics

 Ahoy shipmates! This week the Ducklings have gone pirate crazy even in our phonics activities. Reading the CCVC words to see if they are a real or nonsense word.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Spelling CCVC words

Image of Spelling CCVC words

The Ducklings have been looking at how to segment and spell words that have two consonants at the start. The trickiest part is the second letter. Mrs Catterall kept making silly mistakes and the Ducklings helped to correct the spellings!!

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics Spelling


Writing ccvc words

Image of Writing  ccvc words

This week the Ducklings are learning to spell words that have two consonants at the end.  Look at this super writing!

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics


Reading ccvc words

Image of Reading ccvc words

This week the Ducklings are learning to read and write words that have two consonants at the start. The Ducklings love achieving a coloured lolly stick as a part of their rainbow challenges!

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Reading Silly Questions

Image of Reading Silly Questions

These two busy Ducklings have been reading silly questions and deciding if the answer would be Yes or No.  They have used their knowledge of tricky words and the different phonemes or sounds that they know to help them read independently.

Category: Ducklings

reading Tricky words phonics


Letter of the week P

Image of Letter of the week P

The letter of the week is P, Little Chicks have been finding objects that begin with P.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDo6o9Wmn60 follow link to learn P song.


Jolly Phonics Song - p - YouTube

Find objects around you're home beginning with P and draw a picture.

Category: Little Chicks

phonics language


Letter of the week O

Image of Letter of the week O

Letter of the week is O, Little Chicks have been finding objects that begin with O.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKM1urR9mCo follow link for O song and objects beginning with O.


O song Jolly Phonics - YouTube


Find objects around the house that begin with O.

Category: Little Chicks

phonics language


Applying our phonics skills

Image of Applying our phonics skills

The Ducklings are becoming more confident to apply their knowledge of phonics and tricky words to help them read sentences independently.

Category: Ducklings

reading Tricky words phonics


Letter of the week n

Image of Letter of the week n

Letter of the week is n, Little Chicks have been finding objects that begin with n.


follow link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qeMFjlWcP0

Jolly Phonics Song - n - YouTube

Find objects at home beginning with n and draw and write the word on a white board or on paper.

Category: Little Chicks

phonics language


The ow phoneme

Image of The ow phoneme

Josh loves spending time each day after phonics looking for the new phoneme in his lovely books at home. Today he found lots of words with ow in inside The Smartest Giant in Town! Josh typed up the ow words on his computer! Great work Josh!

Category: Ducklings

reading ICT phonics


Good work -oo phoneme!

Image of Good work -oo phoneme!

Look at Rupert's amazing writing in phonics! Good isn't it?!  Rupert, you have gorgeous handwriting and your sentences are set out beautifully.

Can you tell which phonemes we have been learning this week? OO! Have a think!

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics