Creative Phonics

Image of Creative Phonics

Josh had been busy making star shaped cookies as a follow up to our How to catch a Star story. He used the left over dough to make some words with the 'ar' digraph in that we had been learning that day.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Creative learning


Painting Tricky Words

Image of Painting Tricky Words

The Ducklings have been learning to read and write the tricky words you and are this week. Josh has been using his water colour paints to practise writing them.  Well done!

Category: Ducklings

Tricky words phonics Handwriting


Applying new learning in Phonics

Image of Applying  new learning in Phonics

The Ducklings teachers have been blown away with how well our children are applying new phonemes. Phonics is taught and learned at quite a fast pace and it is just wonderful to see the many ways our Ducklings apply what they know. Keep up the amazing work! 

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics


Tricky word sentences

Image of Tricky word sentences

The Ducklings have been learning to read and write the tricky words - all and was. They have written sentences with these words in. 

Category: Ducklings

writing Tricky words phonics


Spell check!

Image of Spell check!

Look at this super star Duckling using their THRASS chart (sound mat) to help them check that they are using the correct phonemes (sounds) when writing their list of what an astronaut needs.  Well done!

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics Spelling


Writing sentences

Image of Writing sentences

Our Ducklings are doing an amazing job of writing sentences that have the phonemes in which we have been looking at this week.

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics Handwriting


Being active with Phonics

Image of Being active with Phonics

There are many ways to actively learn about and apply a new letter/sound. Here is a lovely example of Charlie exploring the letter 'z' through finding books featuring 'z', making words with magnetic letters, finding objects featuring 'z' and using technology to support his…

Category: Ducklings



Learning about the letter 'w'

Image of Learning about the letter 'w'

Our Phase 3 Phonics has continued with the letter 'w'. It has been lovely to see you all practicing your cursive script and attempting to write new, trickier words. Keep up the super Phonics, Ducklings! 

Category: Ducklings



Making words with the letter 'v'

Image of Making words with the letter 'v'

Today our Ducklings were challenged to think of words beginning with or featuring the 'v' phoneme and then write a sentence. The children have been very busy and the sentences we have received so far have been amazing. Keep up this super learning, Ducklings! 

Category: Ducklings



Writing lists of words featuring the letter 'j'

Image of Writing lists of words featuring the letter 'j'

Today the children were set the task of finding and writing a list of words beginning with or featuring the letter 'j'. We also considered our cursive handwriting when writing. Look at Jack's amazing list! 

Category: Ducklings



Blending to read

Image of Blending to read

The Ducklings are growing in confidence to blend sounds together to read words.

Category: Ducklings

reading reading buddies phonics


Reading captions

Image of Reading captions

The Ducklings have been showing off their phonics skills this week by applying their knowledge of the sounds that they know to read simple captions independently! Super star readers!

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics