A full week with Buddy

Last week, Buddy spent his first full week in Herons' class.

He made a huge teddy bear and brought it back from the workshop, he tried to help us decorate the Christmas tree, he delivered a Santa Cam from Father Christmas, he got stuck on the maths wall when putting up a certificate and he…

Category: Herons

year2 Christmas herons year 1 elf on the shelf


Problem Solving Day in Herons

Today was maths problem solving day and we loved it in Herons class.

We had to solve the problem of sorting out the natural materials outside into a pictogram. We sorted out the leaves, bark, twigs and stones.

We also had the problem of interpreting our data from our tally chart. We needed…

Category: Herons

maths year2 Christmas herons year 1 outdoor learning problem solving data problem solving day data handling statistics


Buddy eats the Advent chocolate!

Buddy had a mission sent  by Father Christmas to deliver Advent calendars, but when we turned up to school there was chocolates all over the classroom floor. We could not believe that he ate the chocolates. Luckily, the cakes sent for Miss H and Mrs C hadn't been…

Category: Herons

Year 2 Christmas herons year 1 advent elf on the shelf Buddy


Halifax Bank visit Herons

The children in KS1 have had a fantastic day with the people from Halifax Bank. The children had a brilliant workshop learning all about were money comes from and the sensible ways of using money. We listened to a story and now understand the importance of saving our money. The children had the…

Category: Herons

Money Year 2 maths herons year 1 pshe money management saving


Christmas Maths Decoration

In class this week, Herons had been sent a challenge from Mrs McGrath to create a Christmas decoration using natural objects. They had to plan and design their decoration using their measuring skills. The children have had a fantastic week using different measuring equipment to measure the…

Category: Herons

Year 2 measure maths Design and Technology Christmas year 1 DT decoration natural objects


Buddy the Elf has arrived today!

The children were extremely excited when they came to class this morning and found a package had been delivered. It was marked, 'first class from the North Pole'. Inside was an Elf and a letter. We had the challenge of creating a name for our Elf. As part of democracy, we each had one vote. We…

Category: Herons

Year 2 maths Christmas herons year 1 democracy voting data tally charts elf on the shelf Buddy


Herons write a new Katie Morag Story

On 24th November, the children in Herons wrote a new Katie Morag story as part of their Big Write. 

They had recieved an email from the author asking for their help:


Dear Herons,

                    I need your help! I know you have been reading my stories and I was wondering if you…

Category: Herons

year2 writing herons year 1 stories big write Katie Morag Mairi Hedderwick


Anti-bullying Week in Herons

During the week of the 13th November, it was anti-bulllying week.


In class we celebrated how we are all different and why being different is special.


We also discussed how to be a good friend. We look at images of how to be a good friend. We then acted out scenarios outside. We…

Category: Herons

year2 herons friend year 1 pshe outdoor learning helping others anti-bullying week


Paul Klee

In art we have been finding out about Paul Klee. We have created a watercolour background ready to draw our portraits on top. 


What can you find out about Paul Klee? What is your favourite painting by Paul Klee? What shapes will you use to create your portrait?

Category: Herons

Year 2 art herons year 1 Paul Klee


Year 2 Fire Safety Talk

The Year 2 children had a fantastic fire safety talk. The children acted out what to do if they ever found themselves in fire danger at home. The also found out the importance of a fire alarm and a fire plan.


Has an adult tested your fire alarm at home? Have you all sat as a family to…

Category: Herons

Year 2 pshe fire safety


KS1 Wow Launch

On Friday 13th October, KS1 launched their new topic for after half term. Our next topic in KS1 will be 'Place Where I live'. We launched our new topic at Blackpool Illuminations.

Together with LKS2, we started our evening at the fish and chips shop. In small groups we then walked the…

Category: Herons

Robins Year 2 topic herons year 1 parrots History geography Blackpool illuminations


Fantastic Mr Fox Book Review

Last week we finished our first class novel of the year, Fantastic Mr Fox. Fantastic Mr Fox was written by Roald Dahl and as a class we really enjoyed listening to it. In Herons we really enjoy novel time at the end of each day where we get to listen to our story and eat our snacks and drink our…

Category: Herons

Year 2 herons reading year 1 stories novel time