We are all different we are all friends

Image of We are all different we are all friends

Little Chicks looked at their friends and how we are different.

Little Chicks made a paper chain of their friends.



Little Chicks are forming and blossoming friendships.

Category: Little Chicks

friend pshe


Friends from a distance

Image of Friends from a distance

It was lovely to see this photograph of some of our ducklings showing how it's still great fun to be with your friends even when keeping a safe distance.

Hopefully see you all very soon!

Category: Ducklings

friend safer PSED


Christmas Dinner for Herons

Today was Christmas Dinner day!

We all had a fantastic time in the hall eating our Christmas dinner whilst pulling crackers and listening to Christmas songs.


Who did you sit next to? What was the funniest joke you heard? What is your favourite part of your Christmas dinner? If you could…

Category: Herons

year2 Christmas herons friend year 1 crackers Christmas dinner


Anti-bullying Week in Herons

During the week of the 13th November, it was anti-bulllying week.


In class we celebrated how we are all different and why being different is special.


We also discussed how to be a good friend. We look at images of how to be a good friend. We then acted out scenarios outside. We…

Category: Herons

year2 herons friend year 1 pshe outdoor learning helping others anti-bullying week


Owls Outdoor Adventure Activities

In PE we are learning OAA. Our aims are to trust, commit and work as a team.

So far we have created letters and words with our bodies. Can you guess what we are spelling?

We have been blindfolded are guided by our friends. What was challenging?

We have created trails for other teams to…

Category: Owls

owls year3 year4 citizen friend pshe OAA


Being a good friend...

Today, in year 1 we have been talking about how we can be a good friend.


Here are some things that we think are really important:

1. Always use kind words.

2. Play nice games together.

3. Don't leave any one on their own at break time. 'Stay together and don't leave them out'  -…

Category: British Values Blog

year1 friend relationships