Being a good friend...

Today, in year 1 we have been talking about how we can be a good friend.


Here are some things that we think are really important:

1. Always use kind words.

2. Play nice games together.

3. Don't leave any one on their own at break time. 'Stay together and don't leave them out'  -…

Category: British Values Blog

year1 friend relationships


Being a good citizen...

Today, year 2 have been working hard to discuss what being a good citizen means.


We have decided that we must show 6 important things...

1. Always being kind.

2. Tidying up the playground equipment.

3. Don't talk in assembly.

4. Always listen to the teacher.

5. Always try…

Category: British Values Blog

year2 citizen


St George's Day

Image of St George's Day

The children enjoyed dressing in red and white to celebrate this special day.  We found out how St. George's day is celebrated in different households. We have listened to different stories of George and the dragon, painted knights and dragons and decorated our home corner for a St. George's day…

Category: British Values Blog