Blog by Tag: natural objects
Little Chicks Day 2 Morning
Little Chicks explored the outdoors due to down pour they have practised putting their puddle suits and wellies on. It was the first time therefore took a while but they did well. If you have not yet provided a puddle suit and wellies please bring to Little Chicks. The Children have the…
Category: Little Chicks
pshe science outdoor learning natural objects Physical development
Xmas Market
Please send into school natural resources e.g. twigs, sticks, pinecones etc so we can make our Christmas decorations.
Thank you,
Category: Falcons
natural objects Christmas Market
Christmas Maths Decoration
In class this week, Herons had been sent a challenge from Mrs McGrath to create a Christmas decoration using natural objects. They had to plan and design their decoration using their measuring skills. The children have had a fantastic week using different measuring equipment to measure the…
Category: Herons
Year 2 measure maths Design and Technology Christmas year 1 DT decoration natural objects