15 November 2017

The Year 2 children had a fantastic fire safety talk. The children acted out what to do if they ever found themselves in fire danger at home. The also found out the importance of a fire alarm and a fire plan.


Has an adult tested your fire alarm at home? Have you all sat as a family to create your fire plan? What did you enjoy most about the afternoon?

Year 2 Fire Talk

Category: Herons

Tags: Year 2 pshe fire safety


Max B   15 November 2017

I liked the fire talk and I got to dress up as a fireman. I got to put the fire out with Alfie. We also said things that can start a fire and we watched a video.

Oliver O'Neill   15 November 2017

This week we have been talking about our fire talk.I enjoyed seeing a real life fire man in our school.I learned how to exit the house if there is a fire.FIRST the alarm goes off. NEXT the children wake up and screem for there mummy and daddy to wake up.THEN you need to crawl under the smoke because the smoke rises up.AFTER you call 199 and don't go back in for a pet.FINNALY the fire engines come to put the smoke out and the smoke is gone.I enjoyed taking about the fire talk I hope he comes back again.

Hannah Blake   16 November 2017

We tested the fire alarm and talked about our fire plan. My favourite part of the day was being an actor.

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