Owls Roman Day

During our Roman Day on Friday 21st April, the children across all three classes took part in a carousel of activities in the morning. There was Roman Road Building with Mr Cooper, Roman Shield (or Scutum as it was known in Roman times) designing with Mrs Harding and Moasic Art with Miss…

Category: Owls

owls year3 art year4 KS2 PE OAA History geography mosaics


Owls Big Bird Watch

This week in Owls we have had a fun week of learning based on bird watching.

We have researched and found out about many different types of birds and went out to spot as many as we could. We then wrote about what we saw. In Maths we created a tally of how many birds we saw in a period of time…

Category: Owls

owls year3 art year4 maths writing outdoor learning big bird watch DT


DT in Owls

On Friday 6th Januray 2017, Owls and the rest of school had an exciting first day after the Christmas holiday; it was Design and Technology Day.

Our classic novel is Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. We designed and made workhouses for our display. We also started to collage Oliver…

Category: Owls

owls year3 art year4 Design and Technology display Oliver Twist Charles Dickens workhouse make


Outdoor Art

Image of Outdoor Art

One way to develop our "Funky Fingers" in a fun way outdoors is through artwork. we used all the materials we collected on our Autumn welly walk to create marks on our cornflour dough mix. We created patterns with sticks, acorns, pine cones, leaves and conkers. When they've dried we will be able…

Category: Ducklings

art duckling fine motor


Owls Family Portraits

On Monday in our art lesson, we were drawing our family portraits using a photograph to help us.

Before we starting drawing, we discussed our photograpgh and wrote a little bit about it. WHO WAS IN YOUR PICTURE? WHERE WAS IT TAKEN? WHAT WAS HAPPENING IN YOUR PICTURE? WHEN WAS IT TAKEN?


Category: Owls

owls year3 art year4 relationships pshe family portraits


Making homes for animals

Image of Making homes for animals

This week the children are being encouraged to use their creative skills and imaginations to make a home for an animal. Children have got to select their own materials and use materials from in and around our environment. 

Look at this amazing home for hamsters! 

Category: Ducklings

art Design and Technology


Young Seasiders Exhibition

Image of Young Seasiders Exhibition

Well done to the children whose work was entered into the Gazette's 'Young Seasdiers' competition. Two pieces of work from each year group were entered and four overall winners have been announced. A big congratulations to Tiggi Taylor, Olivia Shaw, Elissa Mercer and Rueben Peacock for their…

Category: Ducklings



Volcano Explanation Texts

The children in Owls have created some fantastic explanation texts about volcanoes. In Topic and Computing the children researched and found out many facts about volcanoes. In Literacy they created their explanation text which included; questions and answers, flip cards about different volcanoes…

Category: Owls

owls art topic volcanoes explanation texts computing


Fun Friday

We have been inspired by the work of E Shepherd today and had a go at recreating the characters from Winnie the Pooh. 



Category: Herons

art funfriday


* Falcons' Art Inspired By Bach

Today the children created detailed sketches of the composer Johann Sebastian Bach. Throughout their artwork they developed their sketching skills which also enabled them to create a contrast between dark and light shades through observational, detailed drawing. Well done Falcons!!


Category: Falcons



Owls' Open Afternoon with our Parents!

Image of Owls' Open Afternoon with our Parents!

Thank you to all of our parents and family memebers who came to visit and join our class on Friday 13th February.

It was lovely to see the Owls working with their parents, their friends and their friends' parents! 

We had a drawing and sketching afternoon of portraits. We looked carefully at…

Category: Owls

owls year3 openafternoon art