Decorating Gingerbread People

Image of Decorating Gingerbread People

We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Funky Fingers


Composing 5

Image of Composing 5

This week, in maths, the Ducklings have been exploring different ways to make 5. They have played the question game to help them find out pairs of numbers that make 5. We asked them questions and they got onto the right hoop for their answer. For e.g. Are you 4 years old? Do you like sprouts?  The…

Category: Ducklings

maths number


What kind of teeth do we have?

Image of What kind of teeth do we have?

In our science lessons this term, we are focussing on the digestive system. 

Kestrels started this topic by using mirrors to look at their own teeth and then making a set of teeth from playdough. 

It really helped us think about the different shapes and types of teeth

Category: Kestrels


Miss Brit is back

Image of Miss Brit is back

Kestrels were delighted today to learn that Miss Brit from Dance_Etc is back to teach dance this term. 

They love her lessons. Today, we focussed on smooth movements between poses based on our topic The Romans. 

Category: Kestrels


Gingerbread People Cooking

Image of Gingerbread People Cooking

As part of Little Chicks learning on traditional stories they made Gingerbread people.


Mix together flour, salt, bicarbonate soda, ginger and cinnamon into a large bowl. Then add butter, sugar and syrup.


Knead into a dough and place in fridge for 30 minutes.


Category: Little Chicks

science cooking story


Little Chicks Number 6

Image of Little Chicks Number 6

This week we are learning all about the number six. Little Chicks counted out objects to six and put on an array.


Little Chicks made six circle arms. they found six bones on the bones for the dog.




Little Chicks used their fingers to make six. They found six from a…

Category: Little Chicks

Counting number


The Gingerbread Man

Image of The Gingerbread Man

This morning in Mrs Catterall’s classroom a gingerbread man was found! There was also a note from him which said:

Dear Ducklings and Little Chicks,


Everyone keeps trying to catch me!

From The Gingerbread Man


We don’t know how he came to be in the classroom and…

Category: Little Chicks

books traditional tales language listening


Maths 11.1.2023

In maths, we have been looking at money. We have looked at the different value of coins, made different amounts and compared amounts. Next week we will be moving on to finding change. 

Category: Robins


PE 11.1.2023

Image of PE 11.1.2023

In PE we have been learning some gymnastic skills. We have practised our egg rolls, pencil rolls, tuck jumps and travelling in different ways. Uploaded is a photo of their caterpillar travel. 

Category: Robins


Little chicks PE ball skills

Image of Little chicks PE ball skills

Little Chicks began with warm up exercises.


Stretching their body.



Miss Taylor and Mrs Dale demonstrated to the Little Chicks how to guide the ball around the cones. Run back to their team and the next Chick takes their turn, first team to complete the group is the…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development PSED follow instruction


Composing numbers 4 and 5

Image of Composing numbers 4 and 5

In Maths this week the children are immersed in ways to compose and explore numbers 4 and 5. They are busy completing lolly stick challenges to show how well we can do this independently. 

Category: Ducklings

maths Independent learning


The Mystery of the Gingerbread Man

Image of The Mystery of the Gingerbread Man

We came to school this week to find a strange event in our classroom...a broken gingerbread man with a letter explaining that he needs our help as everyone keeps trying to catch him. The children had so many questions...How did he get here? Who has been chasing him? How did his leg become broken?…

Category: Ducklings

reading English communication Our stunning start