Investigating Ice

Image of Investigating Ice

Once again we wrapped up and braved the cold. We managed to break off some ice from the field, it was full of grass.

   The ice was very cold and quite thick.

We brought some ice into the classroom to see what would happen to it.

By the end of the day the ice had started to melt and…

Category: Little Chicks

Understanding the World environment


Democracy Day

Image of Democracy Day

For democracy day we created our own political parties. We created policies that we thought would make the world a better place. We then presented our ideas to Doves and Owls who voted on who they would most like to take on the job!

Category: Kestrels



Image of Stonehenge

The children made their own version of Stonehenge last week. Can you guess they materials they used? 

Category: Kestrels


Braving the cold

Image of Braving the cold

This morning we wrapped up in puddle suits, coats, hats, scarves, gloves and wellies. We then braved the cold to explore the ice and frost on the field.

The children said that the grass was 'crunchy'.


We found out that the ice was very slippery and that it cracked and broke under…

Category: Little Chicks

Understanding the World environment


Letter of the week D

Image of Letter of the week D

Little Chicks have been learning the letter D, they have been finding objects beginning with D, writing the letter D on their whiteboards, singing the jolly D song and seeking D words on treasure Island with Captain Seasalt.



Little Chicks write D on their whiteboards.

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Christmas Lunch

Image of Christmas Lunch

Little Chicks celebrating Christmas Lunch with Christmas songs.


Little Chicks opened their crackers pout on their hats and read jokes from the cracker.


Enjoying Christmas Lunch and a festive biscuit.

Category: Little Chicks

Christmas Lunch


Number of the week 5

Image of Number of the week 5

Little Chicks have been learning number 5, they have been finding 5 in the classroom, learning the number song.


Finding five with flash cards.                          Finding the jar of sweets with five.

Finding number 5 on the number line.


Five fingers.             …

Category: Little Chicks

Counting Singing number


Visit from Mr McVittie fireman

Image of Visit from Mr McVittie fireman

Little Chicks and Ducklings had a visit from Mr McVittie he has worked for the fire brigade for 25 years. They have two fire engines at their station, the fire engines weigh 12 tons when loaded with water.

Mr McVittie “Where do we go?

Hallie “Houses burning sausages.”

Mr McVittie…

Category: Little Chicks

fire safety People who help us


Visit from the Dentist

Image of Visit from the Dentist

The three ladies showed us how to brush our teeth and told us how often we should brush them. We need to brush our teeth for 2 minutes, which is like us counting to 120! We tried this and it seemed like a very long time!

We we’re also allowed to wear a mask and gloves, which they wear to…

Category: Little Chicks



Visit Mrs Dewhurst eye opthalmist

Image of Visit Mrs Dewhurst eye opthalmist

Little Chicks and Ducklings had a visit from Karen the eye opthalmist.


Karen explained the importance of having a screen test.

The eye colour may change up to 12 months.


Category: Little Chicks

People who help us


Stop The Press

Image of Stop The Press

Kestrels' have been writing newspapers over the last two weeks. 

Tasked with creating some interesting and eye-catching headlines they created these brilliant examples. 

Category: Kestrels


Stone Age Workshop

Image of Stone Age Workshop

Today we've had a visit from Dantastic. 

All of Kestrels enjoyed learning about life in the stone age, looking and handling stone age artefacts and learning about how this era changed the way humans live forever. 

Category: Kestrels