Letter of the week e

Image of Letter of the week e

Little Chicks have been learning the letter e. They have learnt the letter e song, found the  letter e in the classroom using signs, wrote the letter e on their white boards and identified pictures beginning with e on the interactive board.



follow Jack Hartman to learn the e song 

Category: Little Chicks

writing Singing Letter of the week


Recognising Zero

Image of Recognising Zero

This week we are learning all about the number zero. In this activity the children are practising their cutting skills and showing that they recognise different representations of zero.


Zero was represented as a numeral, an empty sweet jar, a blank domino, a string with no beads, an…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development number


PE ball skills.

Image of PE ball skills.

Little Chicks began with warm up exercises.


Creating circles, pivoting from elbow and shoulder.



Rolling ball to their partner.



Team ball game red team and a yellow team, pass the ball under and through to your team mate first to the end wins. Little…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development school games follow instruction


Science 2023

In science we classified animals according to their groups. The children did this independently first, organising them according to colour, size, habitat etc. We then discussed the different animal groups and organised the animals again. The children loved doing this activity…

Category: Robins


Little Chicks A Winter Scene

Image of Little Chicks A Winter Scene

Little Chicks used a variety of materials to make a college of a Winter Scene.



Follow link for gallery https://carletongreen.schudio.com/admin/galleries/view/68448



Category: Little Chicks

seasons Creative learning


Old Toys

Image of Old Toys

We have been lucky to be able to borrow a box of old toys from a museum. We were able to handle them and try them out. We compared them to the toys that we have today. Some of us were experts!!

Category: Ducklings

History Toys Understanding the World


Christmas Party Fun!

Image of Christmas Party Fun!

We had great fun on the last day of term, playing lots of different party games during our Christmas party. There are some amazing dancers in the Ducklings!

Category: Ducklings



A cold snap!

Image of A cold snap!

Well the cold weather wasn't enjoyed by some but the Ducklings loved it! What better way to explore the world around them and the changing seasons!

We learned lots about freezing and melting and how we need to dress appropriately for the different types of weather.

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


The Sleepy Shepherd

Image of The Sleepy Shepherd

Here are some photographs of the cast of 'The Sleepy Shepherd.' They were all fantastic and so confident with their speaking parts and their singing. We were very proud of them. 

We have found out that being a photographer is not an easy job!!

Category: Ducklings



Christmas Dinner 2022

Image of Christmas Dinner 2022

We loved our delicious Christmas lunch. A big thank you to all of our kitchen staff for helping to make it for us and our lunches all year round.

Category: Ducklings

Christmas dinner


A visit from our local Police Officers

Image of A visit from our local Police Officers

We loved PC Louisa and PC Scott visiting us, to talk about what they do at work each day (or night!) and some of the special equipment that they use. We loved being arrested and having a sit in the patrol car too! Lots of us would like to be police officers when we grow up!

Category: Ducklings

People who help us


A visit from a Fire Fighter

Image of A visit from a Fire Fighter

The Ducklings were very excited to have a visit from Mr McVitie, a fire fighter, to talk about the different roles that his job has, as well as just putting out and preventing fires.

Category: Ducklings

People who help us