What's in the Box?

Image of What's in the Box?

Today we began out Maths learning with thinking about what is in a mystery box. Could it be something very big? or small? 

Could it be something that's very heavy? Or something light? 

The children decided that because the box was small, it had to be something light, like a teddy or a small…

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening communication


P.E with Fleetwood Town

Image of P.E with Fleetwood Town

Last week we continued our P.E lessons with Fleetwood Town. We were focusing on travelling and moving in different ways...balancing, jumping and climbing. The children moved around in teams to practise their skills. 

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Little Chicks helping in the garden

Image of Little Chicks helping in the garden

Little Chicks use the wheelbarrows to move the chipping’s onto the tarpaulin which stops the weeds coming through. Landscaping the garden.

They had to negotiate the path turning the wheelbarrow which was tricky to control. They used the spades to collect the chipping’s and place on the…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development garden environment


Putting the bears in size order

Image of Putting the bears in size order

For this challenge the children had to cut out the bears and then order them according to size, either smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest. Some children needed support to cut around the bears but the children’s cutting skills have really come on! 

This task was tricky as there were up…

Category: Little Chicks

maths Size


Big, medium and small

Image of Big, medium and small

This week we are reading different versions of the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. In maths we are looking at size and the children have been challenged with drawing a big bear, a medium sized bear and a small bear. Some children struggled to create a contrast between the sizes.


Category: Little Chicks


Baking Gingerbread People

Image of Baking Gingerbread People

The Ducklings loved baking gingerbread people, following a recipe and using lots of different tools and equipment safely. They were delicious and they enjoyed eating them whist listening to The Gingerbread Man story during snacktime.

Category: Ducklings



Life-sized Gingerbread Person

Image of Life-sized Gingerbread Person

The Ducklings loved working together to create large scale gingerbread people. It was a great mark making opportunity.

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning mark making


Gingerbread Men

Image of Gingerbread Men

We have been creating our own gingerbread people with the playdough.

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning Malleable


Investigation Fun

Image of Investigation Fun

The Ducklings were comparing what would happen to a gingerbread man if it fell into a 'river.' They used their senses to explore the what the gingerbread men were like before and after going in the water.

Category: Ducklings

science Understanding the World


Please Help!!!

Image of Please Help!!!

The Ducklings were met with a surprise when they came to school on Monday. A gingerbread man needed their help. They loved writing letters to him to explain how they would help him.

Category: Ducklings



Decorating Gingerbread People

Image of Decorating Gingerbread People

We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Funky Fingers


Decorating Gingerbread People

Image of Decorating Gingerbread People

We have been painting and decorating gingerbread people using our fine motor skills, with cotton wool buds.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Funky Fingers