Little Chicks make porridge

Image of Little Chicks make porridge

As part of our story Goldilocks and the three bears, Little Chicks made porridge for their morning snack.

We followed the recipe and mixed the ingredients.



We add water.



We add porridge oats and milk.



We mixed the ingredients together, put it…

Category: Little Chicks

cooking healthy snack time


Making Porridge

Image of Making Porridge

The Ducklings helped to make porridge today. Ask them to tell you what ingredients they needed and how they made it. Some of the children prepared some chopped fruit to top the porridge too.

They enjoyed eating their porridge while they listened to another Goldilocks and the three bears…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World cooking


Winter fun

Image of Winter fun

The Ducklings had great fun wrapping up warm and going out to explore in the light dusting of snow today. They found a slope to slide down, ice 'windows' to look through, miniature icicles and they loved making snow angels.

Category: Ducklings

seasons Understanding the World


Fun in the snow!

Image of Fun in the snow!

There was great excitement this morning when we woke up to snow! After register we wrapped up in our puddle suits, wellies and coats and headed off out on to the field.

Mrs Stock showed us how to make snow angels.


We noticed some brown stuff in some snow, it was rock salt.…

Category: Little Chicks

weather senses Understanding the World environment


Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Image of Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Little Chicks have been learning about traditional stories this week we are listening to Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 


Using sticklebacks to make the three bears beds.          Goldilocks in the bears house.



Drawing pictures of the story.


Sequencing the…

Category: Little Chicks

construction Role-play story retelling story


Little Chicks Yoga bugs

Image of Little Chicks Yoga bugs

Little Chicks joined Lisa to follow the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. Throughout the story they had to complete yoga positions which represented the characters in the story.


Warm up.


Meeting the dog, downward dog pose.              Meeting the butterfly,…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development yoga retelling story


Building for the Bears

Image of Building for the Bears

We have been busy building beds and chairs for the three bears (and for Goldilocks too!) using construction kits of our own choosing.

Category: Ducklings



Hard or Soft

Image of Hard or Soft

Goldilocks was very fussy! She thought that some things were too hard or too soft. We have been helping Goldilocks to find out which objects in our classroom are hard or soft.


Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Comparing Weight and Capacity

Image of Comparing Weight and Capacity

In maths this week, we are exploring the capacity of different containers and the weight of different objects. We are finding the heavier and lighter of two objects by using balance scales and feeling the objects in our hands.We are exploring how objects small in size can be heavy and how some…

Category: Ducklings

maths capacity weight


Bear Art

Image of Bear Art

We have been using different tools to paint and print with to make our bears. Some of us used forks, sticklebricks and rollers.


Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Owls go to battle

Image of Owls go to battle

We have designed and made our own Roman shields and today we put them to the test. We tried out the tortoise formation to try and protect ourselves from incoming javelins. 


Category: Owls


Phase 3 Phonics

Image of Phase 3 Phonics

Today we began our Phonics journey into Phase 3 and looked at the letter 'j'.

The children were very excited to move onto their new phase and were busy applying the new phoneme in writing. 

Category: Ducklings

writing phonics