Medical emergency!

Image of Medical emergency!

The Ducklings have loved having our visitors in this week, talking about their jobs. The children have learnt so much about the different jobs and it is now lovely to see them taking on these roles in their pretend play.

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Role-play


A visit from a nurse.

Image of A visit from a nurse.

George’s mummy came in and talked to us about her job. She was wearing her uniform and she showed us some of the things she used.

When at work she may wear an apron, gloves and a mask, to help stop the spread of bugs, which make people poorly. She also showed us how she was trained to wash…

Category: Little Chicks


People who Keep us Healthy

Image of People who Keep us Healthy

Our Ducklings have been very busy this week learning about people who keep us fit and healthy. The children have been looking after babies and making them better at the maternity hospital, enjoying the hospital role play and making one another better after various injuries and ailments. It is a…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Role-play communication


Construction Club

Image of Construction Club

This week, construction club began for our Year 1 and 2 children. The children worked independently or collaboratively to plan, build, adapt and evaluate designs using a range of tools. 

Category: Sports

fine motor DT extracurricular


A visit from a nurse

Image of A visit from a nurse

Today we had a fantastic visit from George's mummy, who is a nurse. The children got to learn all about what a busy, caring and important job a nurse does, what their job involves, how they care for others and how they keep others safe and healthy. The children got to see and handle some resources…

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Understanding the World communication PSED



Image of PE

Little Chicks have been learning to balance and jump of apparatus using the correct movement.

Little Chicks began with a warm up.


Little Chicks moved along the bench arms out stretched and jumped down using two feet and bending their knees.


Little Chicks had a cool…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development


A midwife calling

Image of A midwife calling

Today, Otis’s mum came to talk to us about her job as a midwife. The children listened with interest and had lots of interesting questions to ask her. She showed us some of the special equipment that she uses each day and we even got to meet and have a cuddle with baby Finn. Thank you for…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Number of the week 2

Image of Number of the week 2

Little Chicks have been learning number two they have been writing number two, counting out objects to the count of two, finding number two in the classroom and singing the number two song.



Follow Jack Hartman to sing along to the number two song.

Category: Little Chicks

Counting Singing number


A Visit from a Midwife

Image of A Visit from a Midwife

This morning Mrs Troughton came in to talk to us about her job as a midwife. She showed us some of the equipment and clothing she wears, dressing us up in the apron and gloves she would wear to deliver a baby.

She also showed us how a ‘doppler’ works. A doppler listens to the baby’s…

Category: Little Chicks



A visit from a doctor

Image of A visit from a doctor

As part of our 'People who help us/Keep us healthy' topic, we were so lucky to have Zaneera's parents come in and speak about their job as doctors. The children asked some amazing questions about vaccines, hospitals and keeping healthy. 

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Understanding the World


A Robin's Update


We have had a very busy couple of weeks back in Robins. We have been practising our addition and subtraction skills, writing letters and being creative designing our badges. We have lots of exciting activities coming up; we will be writing a letter to Father Christmas, creating our crafts…

Category: Robins


A visit from the doctors

Image of A visit from the doctors

Today, Zaneera's mummy and daddy came to talk to us about their jobs as a doctor. The children enjoyed thinking of their own questions to ask them. 


Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World