Bonfire and firework fun

Image of Bonfire and firework fun

Last week we were learning all about the story of Guy Fawkes and why bonfire night is celebrated. We have talked about how to stay safe on bonfire night, explored making firework pictures, moved like fireworks and squirted and printed with paint to make firework pictures.


Category: Ducklings


Colour mixing with autumn colours

Image of Colour mixing with autumn colours

The Ducklings have been exploring mixing different autumnal colours and painting and printing with them


Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Collage with natural objects

Image of Collage with natural objects

The Ducklings selected natural, seasonal objects to create their own works of art. Can you guess what they are? They also used their ICT skills to take a photograph of their finished work with an iPad.


Category: Ducklings

Autumn Creative learning


The Little Red Hen

Image of The Little Red Hen

The children know the story of The Little Red hen so well now, that they can act it out with puppets, using the familiar story language.

Category: Ducklings

reading traditional tales


Threading and weaving

Image of Threading and weaving

The Ducklings have been exercising their fine motor skills by weaving, threading and winding wool around different leaf shapes.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Physical development Funky Fingers


Blending and reading words

Image of Blending and reading words

The Ducklings have only learnt a few phonemes (sounds) so far, but already they are able to use these to blend sounds together and read some words independently.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Autumn Themed Open Afternoon

Image of Autumn Themed Open Afternoon

At the end of the first half-term we enjoyed sharing an open afternoon with our families and friends. The Ducklings enjoyed showing their learning journeys to their families, as well as playing and learning with them. We ended the afternoon by performing some of our autumn songs. Thank you for…

Category: Ducklings

Autumn Open afternoon


Remembrance Day

Today, we have been talking about Remembrance Day. We talked about why Remembrance Day is special and we took part in a two minute silence.

We also discovered why we wear a poppy and we shared what we feel grateful for!

Some of us are going to a special service on Sunday too. Well done,…

Category: Herons


Eagles - PE

We had a great PE lesson this week with two brilliant coaches showing us how to develop out tennis skills. The lesson was very energetic and we really enjoyed it. We are almost ready for Wimbledon!


Category: Eagles


Remembrance Day

Image of Remembrance Day

Little Chicks made poppies to put on the outside of school and made poppies to wear for Remembrance Day.



Little Chicks sat for the two minute silence to respect all those in the war.

Category: Little Chicks

Remembrance Day


PE movement to firework music

Image of PE movement to firework music

Little Chicks have been moving to music marching and then moving to firework music.

Little Chicks have been recapping the golden rules.

1. Find a space.

2. No climbing apparatus.

3. Stop when asked to stop.

Little Chicks began with a warm up stretching.

Little Chicks then…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development music and movement. follow instruction


We love to dress up!

Image of We love to dress up!

A vast majority of our Ducklings love to dress up. Dressing up is such a huge part of imaginative play in Early Years. Young children love to experiment with taking on different roles and facilitating this not only covers so many vital aspects of our curriculum, but it is also so much…

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Understanding the World communication PSED