Apple crumble

Image of Apple crumble

The Ducklings have used lots of different tools, with great care this week to prepare and make their apple crumble.


Category: Ducklings

fine motor Physical development cooking harvest


Underarm throw

Image of Underarm throw

The Ducklings have been learning how to throw underarm this week in P.E. It is really quite tricky to remember that the opposite leg to your throwing arm goes in front of you as you throw. We have been throwing at different targets.

Category: Ducklings

P.E. Throwing


Eagles PE 13th October

In our PE lesson yesterday we were trying to create sequences using balance and counter balance with a partner. We tried very hard to use a variety of shapes with our bodies. Take a look at our photographs!

Category: Eagles



Image of PE

This term Little Chicks will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Today they engaged in PE with Miss Linky.

PE rules

1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall.

2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends.

3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop.

Today Little Chicks…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development Active learning follow instruction


Our garden area transformation

Image of Our garden area transformation

Over the past few weeks, you may have noticed some changes to our outdoor garden space. With the support from parent volunteers, we are managing to clear heavily planted areas as a start to improving the space for our children's learning. 

A huge 'Thank you' to our Duckling parents who have…

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning


Making (and eating!) apple crumble

Image of Making (and eating!) apple crumble

As part of our Harvest topic, the children have loved the task of making apple crumble this week. They have washed, peeled and chopped the apples, combined the ingredients for the crumble topping and baked it. Not to mention the best part... eating it! 

A big 'Thank You' to Joakim for the…

Category: Ducklings

fine motor DT harvest Funky Fingers


Working together to create patterns

Image of Working together to create patterns

We have been working with our talking partners this week to discuss patterns. We have discussed which objects to select to make our patterns and organised our patterns together, discussing errors and making changes when needed. Talking about the decisions we have made in front of the class is a…

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening communication


Apple Crumble

Image of Apple Crumble

As part of our topic on Harvest Little Chicks made Apple Crumble.

They took turns to follow the method and either, weighed ingredients, peeled, chopped or mixed.


Turn on oven.                                                 Weigh flour.

Pour flour in bowl.                        …

Category: Little Chicks

fine motor taste test weight cooking



Today in PE we played some very exciting games. Within these games, we practised our throwing and team building skills. The children had a fantastic time and really enjoyed it. We didn't get much time outside today because of the weather, so it was great to get in the hall and burn off some…

Category: Robins


World Mental Health Day

This afternoon, we have been talking about our mental health.


We discussed what this means and we thought about how we can keep our mind healthy. 


All of the children shared different things that make them feel happy and what they can do if they have not so good…

Category: Herons


PE Little Chicks

Image of PE Little Chicks

This term Little Chicks will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Today they engaged in PE with Miss Linky.

PE rules

1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall.

2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends.

3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop.

Today Little Chicks…

Category: Little Chicks

pshe Physical development follow instruction


Little Chicks Gallery

Image of Little Chicks Gallery

Little Chicks gallery of their family and friends is evolving please bring in photos from home or email and we can print to put in our gallery.


Category: Little Chicks

About me