Making binoculars
The Ducklings have been learning all about the sense of sight. In the creative area they have been making binoculars and then going off to explore what they can see through them!
Category: Ducklings
Learning to hop
In P.E this week we have been practising our hopping skills in a range of ways. Each station is set up to enhance a particular skill and our hopping is already improving, as is our skill of jumping for distance.
Category: Ducklings
Describing materials
As part of Little Chicks learning about senses they have took turns to feel the materials and use describe what they feel.
Penelope Hugh Elizabeth
Category: Little Chicks
Category: Doves
Sound Investigation
On Thursday we planned an investigation to see how far sound can travel. We used yogurt pots and string to create a 'telephone' and then predicted what might happen to the sound when we changed a variable in our investigation.
Category: Doves
This term Little Chicks will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Today they engaged in PE with Miss Linky.
PE rules
1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall.
2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends.
3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop.
Category: Little Chicks
Physical development follow instruction
Eagles 6th October 2022
We enjoyed our PE lesson so much today. In small groups we played netball, practising the skills we have learnt over the past few weeks. Some of us were being the referee and pointing out when our classmates didn't follow the rules of the game. Some of us really enjoyed being in charge! Take a…
Category: Eagles
Describing objects
As part of Little Chicks learning about senses they have took turns to feel in the feely bag and describe the object.
Doll Pencil Glass- River…
Category: Little Chicks
Stone Age Painting
On Monday, half of the class enjoyed a special lesson with Mrs Hicks. As part of our project on the stone age the children tried to make their own paint as they did 1000's of years ago.
The rest of the class will go next Monday.
Category: Kestrels
This week the Little Chicks are looking at shapes.
Monday- Square
Each day they find shapes around the room and learn the 2d shape song.
follow link for 2d shape song …
Category: Little Chicks
This term Little Chicks will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Today they engaged in PE with Miss Linky.
PE rules
1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall.
2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends.
3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop.
Category: Little Chicks
instructions Physical development
Artists at work!
This afternoon, we had lots of fun exploring colour.
First, we looked at the work of three different artists: Picasso, Van Gogh and Andy Warhol. We discussed which portraits we liked the best and why.
Then, we used paints to explore what colours we can make using red, yellow and…
Category: Herons