P.E 30/9/22

Image of P.E 30/9/22

In P.E this week, the Ducklings have been introduced to different 'stations' at which to work at, exploring the focus activity of the lesson. This week we have been exploring how to 'jump for distance.' the children listened really carefully to instructions and recalled what they needed to do at…

Category: Ducklings

P.E. jumping


Sorting letters and sounds

Image of Sorting letters and sounds

Just look at these two happy friends, working together to find the letters that we have been learning about in phonics this week - s,a and t.

Category: Ducklings



Parrots September 2022

We’ve had an exciting few weeks in Parrots and I hope you’re finding your children have settled in well and have enjoyed their first few weeks of learning in Year 1 & 2. As you can imagine every day is action packed and we typically teach 7 lessons in the time they’re in. It’s a big change for…

Category: Parrots



Maths learning shapes

Image of Maths learning shapes

Little Chicks have been learning to sort shapes into groups and name shapes.


Little Chicks played shape bingo, they had a shape board and had to identify the shape when shown by Miss Taylor put their hand up to collect and place on board when all six were collected call out…

Category: Little Chicks

Shapes matching


Musical Statues in Phonics

Image of Musical Statues in Phonics

We apply what we know in Phonics in many different ways and this week we have loved playing musical statues. When the music stops, the teacher calls out a phoneme for the children to find. Why don't you have a try at home? 

Category: Ducklings

music phonics


Our sense of taste

Image of Our sense of taste

This week we have been exploring our sense of taste through trying different foods. We have explored salty, sweet, spicy, bitter and sour foods and discussed our preferences. Some foods made our taste buds 'calm' and some made them 'tingly'! 

Category: Ducklings

science Speaking and Listening


Mindfulness Stories

Image of Mindfulness Stories

What could be better than, at the end of a busy week, lying back and listening to a relaxing story? We love mindfulness in the Ducklings. It is so important for our children to know it is healthy to relax, feel calm and breath. 

Category: Ducklings



Our Mayan Day

We had a fantastic day yesterday when we were visited by an expert in the Ancient Mayans. The day was spent looking at artefacts, participating in drama activities and learning about their number system. Take a look at the photos below.

Category: Eagles


Sense of smell

Image of Sense of smell

Throughout the week Little Chicks looked at their sense of smell. We read the book Our senses can smell.

Miss Taylor "Things we like the smell of...

William, Ben, Bertie, Isaac, Beatrice, Aurelia "Pizza"

Elizabeth, Charlie R, Bertie, "Chocolate"

Isabella, Amelia, George, Hugh …

Category: Little Chicks

taste test senses


What is a river?

Image of What is a river?

We have started thinking about what makes a river.

How does a river start?

Where does it end?

Kestrels class made a mini river at school, gathering different materials to make embankments. 

Category: Kestrels


Today in PE

Over the past few weeks, we have been completing our fundamental skills baseline assessment. Today our main focus was bouncing and kicking a ball; the children really enjoyed this. In the afternoons, Fleetwood Town come in and teach us lots of different skills, which we then practice in fun…

Category: Robins


Sensory taste test day 2

Image of Sensory taste test day 2

As part of our topic all about me, Little chicks are using their sense taste to try a variety of foods, which are sour, sweet, bitter and salty.

Little Chicks had the choice to try :


Tuc biscuit



Rocket lettuce



We learnt about the…

Category: Little Chicks

taste test senses