BSL Club

Image of BSL Club

Mrs Catterall and Mr Kenyon are running a British Sign Language club for Years 1 and 2 every Wednesday lunchtime. We do this with the amazing help of Amiee. Ask them to show you what they have been learning at home.


Category: Robins


Our Ears can Hear

Image of Our Ears can Hear

Listen up!!!

This week, as part of our 'Amazing me!' topic work, we are exploring how are ears help us to hear. We have been playing lots of listening games, listening to the first sound that objects begin with, playing sound bingo, exploring mystery sound tubes and matching them to the correct…

Category: Ducklings

senses Understanding the World listening


Sorting, Matching and Grouping

Image of Sorting, Matching and Grouping

This week, in maths, we are learning how to sort, match and group different objects according to a variety of criteria - shape, colour and size, to name a few!


Category: Ducklings



Making a sound shaker

Image of Making a sound shaker

We have been exploring how our ears can hear as part of our 'Amazing Me!' topic. We have created our own musical instruments or shakers.

Category: Ducklings

DT Creative learning


Sorting and Matching

Image of Sorting and Matching

This week, in maths, we are learning how to sort, match and group different objects according to a variety of criteria. Today we played a game whereby we all had to find a shoe and its matching pair. We weren't allowed to just find our own!!


Category: Ducklings



Ducklings PE 16.9.22

Image of Ducklings PE 16.9.22

Each week we are getting closer to changing into our full kits for PE. This week we put on our pumps on and took off our cardigans, jumpers and ties.

Please practise getting dressed and undressed at home, especially doing up and undoing buttons.

We explored moving safely around the space in…

Category: Ducklings




Image of Alliteration

We have been listening very carefully to the first sound that words and objects begin with and sorting them accordingly.


Category: Ducklings



Our Five Senses

Image of Our Five Senses

Little Chicks are learning all about me, this week we are looking at our five senses.


Today we looked at our sense of hearing. We listened and guessed the sound, read the book ears can hear and sang along to song I have senses.


follow link to join in five senses song 

Category: Little Chicks

senses PSED Singing listening


Great start to the year

Well done to all of Kestrels for an excellent start to the year. 

The whole class is excited about our first topic of the Stone Age. We've explored caves, spent time hunting and gathering food and learning about cave art. 

Here are a few pictures from our time in class so…

Category: Kestrels


2D and 3D shapes

Image of 2D and 3D shapes

The children have our work on 2D and 3D shapes this week. They have been busy doing lots of sorting, noticing, naming, talking about properties and using mathematical vocabulary. 

Category: Ducklings

maths Speaking and Listening


Working together on our own interests

Image of Working together on our own interests

It has been so wonderful to observe many of the children come together and initiate their own learning this week. Each day a team of Ducklings have planned, communicated with one another beautifully and built a fantastic (and very colourful!) dinosaur land. 

Such purposeful and busy building.…

Category: Ducklings

DT Speaking and Listening communication PSED


Weaving with our Funky Fingers

Image of Weaving with our Funky Fingers

We have been busy developing our fine motor skills this weeks with a weaving activity. This activity also takes a lot of focus, concentration and control. Look at these super ribbon weaves! 

Category: Ducklings

Physical development