Our First Day

Image of Our First Day

We have had a fantastic morning! 

All the children have settle well and been really busy.


Making lunch in the home corner or for the restaurant.


Snack time.


Playing trains.

Fine motor skills.


Mark making.

Category: Little Chicks


Our Carleton Code Awards

Image of Our Carleton Code Awards

A huge 'well done' to the children who were awarded a CARLETON code award today.

Category: Ducklings


Little Chicks Graduation 2022

Category: Little Chicks


Fleetwood Town

Image of Fleetwood Town

Little Chicks this term will have a weekly session with Fleetwood Town this week their coach was Kirean. He introduced a game called What time is it Mr Wolf. Little Chicks had to kick the ball the number the wolf stated, trying to get to other side of the cones before he said dinner…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development follow instruction listening


Enjoying ice pops

Image of Enjoying ice pops

We all enjoyed a fruity ice pop in the heat of the afternoon, thanks to our PTFA. 

Category: Ducklings


Staying cool in the sun

Image of Staying cool in the sun

Today we have been finding ways to keep cool and stay safe in the sun. Our paddling pools have been a hit with the children! 

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Letters of the week I and N

Image of Letters of the week I and N

We are revisiting the CVC (Consonant, vowel, consonant) letters this term this week it is I and N.

Little Chicks are learning the letter I they find objects beginning with I, write on the white boards words beginning with I, sing along with Jack Hartman letter I, learn the jolly I song, draw…

Category: Little Chicks

writing phonics letters Singing


Outdoor Learning

Image of Outdoor Learning

Little Chicks have been learning about growing plants, tending to the garden, watching vegetables grow, daily collecting food for the composte and watching the changes in the wildlilfe throughout the terms.

Mrs Hicks has diligenlty tended to the garden with the children engaging in outdoor…

Category: Little Chicks

outdoor learning environment Growing plants and seeds


Letter of the week P

Image of Letter of the week P

We are revisiting the CVC (Consonant, vowel, consonant) letters this term this week it is P.

Little Chicks are learning the letter P they find objects beginning with P, write on the white boards words beginning with P, sing along with Jack Hartman letter P, learn the jolly P song, draw letter…

Category: Little Chicks

writing phonics letters Singing


Summer Fair

Image of Summer Fair

Summer Fair was enjoyed by all, Little Chicks had a turn at kick the football into the goal, throw the welly, bouncy castle, hook a duck, lucky dip and a look at the Police van.


To view gallery follow link https://carletongreen.schudio.com/admin/galleries/view/61907



Category: Little Chicks


Fleetwood Town

Image of Fleetwood Town

Little Chicks this term will have a weekly session with Fleetwood Town this week their coach was Kirean. He introduced a game called cars.

Little Chicks began with the aeroplane position using their foot to keep the ball still in stationary position. Then Kirean introduced the penguin move…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development Active learning follow instruction listening


Patterns through movement

Image of Patterns through movement

Little Chicks have been learning patterns thorugh gross motor movements. They listenend to Pump up the pattern they followed the physical prompts to make a pattern.


A = X2 put your arms up.

B = X3 put your knees up. 

This was pattern no 1 Little Chicks followed and repeated the…

Category: Little Chicks

patterns music and movement. listening