Sports Day Little Chicks

Image of Sports Day Little Chicks

Little Chicks were amazing in their running races well done.


Category: Little Chicks

Sports day


Making Fruit Kebabs

Image of Making Fruit Kebabs

As part of Healthy Living Week the children made fruit kebabs to have for their snack. They could put, orange, strawberry, grapes, banana, apple, pear or melon onto their kebab.

To see more photos, please click on the link: 

Category: Little Chicks


Plant Investigation Table

Image of Plant Investigation Table

Little Chicks have been checking the development of the seeds they sowed, what has happenend?



Little Chicks showed Charlie and Cheryl chick that one of the plants have grown whereas the others have shown no growth.



Miss Taylor "What has happenend to the…

Category: Little Chicks

Growing plants and seeds


Outdoor plants and growth

Image of Outdoor plants and growth

Little Chicks have been observing the changes in the plants and the frog sprawn in the pond.


We have tadpoles and what looks like pond skaters in the pond.




Harley went outside and returned to Little Chicks "Come and see what has happened!"

The Little Chicks went to…

Category: Little Chicks

Life cycles Growing plants and seeds


Sow the seeds and scatter

Image of Sow the seeds and scatter

After their visit to the Plant Place the Little Chicks collected the seeds form the garden centre and have scattered in the front of Carleton Green garden.


Little Chicks will observe the growth.

Pardon the Weeds,

We are Feeding,

The Bees

Category: Little Chicks

Growing plants and seeds


Letter of the week W

Image of Letter of the week W

Little Chicks are learning the letter W they find objects beginning with W, write on the white boards words beginning with W, learn the jolly W song and join Captain Seasalt on Treasure island listening for words beginning with W.

Played the W Word game, listenend tfor words beginning with…

Category: Little Chicks

writing phonics Speaking and Listening Singing


3D Junk modelling Mini Beasts

Image of 3D Junk modelling Mini Beasts

Little Chicks have been given a variety of resources to make 3D mini beasts. They looked at a mini beasts idetification sheet, chose one they would like to make and chose different materials to put together.  We used the Ipad to research the chosen mini beasts and what they looked like to best…

Category: Little Chicks

mini-beasts Junk modelling


The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Image of The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This week LIttle Chicks are learning about the Hungry Caterpillar, The Cautious Caterpillar, The Crunchy Munching Caterpillar.



Monday we read the Hungry Caterpillar, we retold the story in order. The Little Chicks then read the story and worked with their peers to put the props in…

Category: Little Chicks

Life cycles story retelling story


2D Shapes

Image of 2D Shapes

This week we are continuing to investigate 2D shapes. We are using 2D shapes to draw around to recreate pictures and create pictures of our own.


The children are also finding simple 2D shapes out in the environment.

We are also investigating what 2D shapes we can see in 3D…

Category: Little Chicks


Butterfly life cycle

Image of Butterfly life cycle

We are loving having our own caterpillars in the class to watch grow and change. We have been learning the life cycle of how a butterfly grows and changes. Ask them to tell you the big, long, new word beginning with 'm' that describes growing through big changes.

They have been ordering and…

Category: Ducklings

Life cycles Understanding the World


Our Bean Investigation

Image of Our Bean Investigation

A few weeks ago we planted some beans and have been growing them under different conditions to find out what plants need to help them grow the best.  We gave all of the beans soil.  We gave no water but light to one bean. We gave water and soil, but no light to another and then one of the beans…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Growing plants and seeds


Rocking and Rolling in PE

Image of Rocking and Rolling in PE

The Ducklings loved learning new ways to roll in PE last week and some of them were quite tricky to do and took a bit of practising! They learnt how to do a pencil roll, forward roll, table roll, barrel roll and a teddy bear roll. Well done!

Look at the gallery here...

Category: Ducklings

P.E. gymnastics