Blog by Tag: Life cycles
Our lovely garden
All of the hard work in our garden is paying off, as the children love looking out for different plants and animals that live or come to visit there. They learn so much from the things they observe. Last week we spotted that the frogs had returned to our pond and that it is the season for…
Category: Ducklings
outdoor learning Life cycles mini-beasts
Our New Arrivals
Today, the Ducklings got to meet three of our newly hatched Ducklings called Honey, Rupert and Margot. They are teaching us lots about life cycles, as well as just simply being gorgeous! They are now out of the incubator and are currently living in their animal…
Category: Ducklings
science Life cycles Understanding the World
Our Ducklings
We are very lucky to have 5 duck eggs to look after and observe them as they grow and change. Today we welcomed one of the ducklings into its new world. It was very exciting.
Category: Ducklings
hatch ducklings Life cycles Understanding the World
New Arrivals
This morning we went into the office to look at the duck eggs which arrived in School yesterday. One of the eggs had a crack and small hole in it. As we watched we could just see a little beak pecking at the shell. We would have liked to have stayed and watch but knew that it would be a while…
Category: Little Chicks
Painted Lady Butterflies
The Ducklings and Little Chicks were so excited to see the butterflies that had emerged from thier cocoons. They enjoyed spotting all of the different parts of the butterfly's body and loved watching its curly tongue (proboscis) drinking.
Category: Ducklings
Life cycles Understanding the World
Butterflies The Painted Lady
The Life cycle of the Caterpillar was complete and today Little Chicks and Ducklings set them free into their habitat with hope that they will stay in the local area as it a flowered environment. The children were amazed at the life cycle and have been observing throughout the process.
Category: Little Chicks
reading science outdoor learning Life cycles
The Butterfly Life Cycle
The children have been using different types of pasta to represent each stage of the butterfly life cycle and then labelling the different stages.
They are excited each day, to observe the caterpillars and see how they have changed! They had all turned into cocoons just before we broke up for…
Category: Ducklings
Life cycles Understanding the World
Outdoor plants and growth
Little Chicks have been observing the changes in the plants and the frog sprawn in the pond.
We have tadpoles and what looks like pond skaters in the pond.
Harley went outside and returned to Little Chicks "Come and see what has happened!"
The Little Chicks went to…
Category: Little Chicks
Life cycles Growing plants and seeds
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
This week LIttle Chicks are learning about the Hungry Caterpillar, The Cautious Caterpillar, The Crunchy Munching Caterpillar.
Monday we read the Hungry Caterpillar, we retold the story in order. The Little Chicks then read the story and worked with their peers to put the props in…
Category: Little Chicks
Life cycles story retelling story
Butterfly life cycle
We are loving having our own caterpillars in the class to watch grow and change. We have been learning the life cycle of how a butterfly grows and changes. Ask them to tell you the big, long, new word beginning with 'm' that describes growing through big changes.
They have been ordering and…
Category: Ducklings
Life cycles Understanding the World
Life cycle of the Butterfly
Little Chicks have been learning the life cycle of the Butterfly. We listenend to the story Caterpillar Butterfly, The book is a non-fiction which teaches all about the life cycle of a caterpillar to the stage it becomes a butterfly, but it has a story element making this easier for children to…
Category: Little Chicks
science Life cycles story painting drawing
The life cycle of a plant
The Ducklings and Little Chicks have explored creating the life cycle of a plant by making play dough models of the different stages of grwoth. They lhave used new vocabulary such as root, shoot, sprout, stem, stalk, bud, leaf, flower and petal.
Category: Ducklings