CCVC word hunt

Image of CCVC word hunt

It was 'Game on!' last week, when the Ducklings were set the challenge of finding all of the CCVC words hidden around the classroom.

Get them to explain to you what a CCVC word is and to give you an example!

stop   trap   frog

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


The life cycle of a plant

Image of The life cycle of a plant

The Ducklings and Little Chicks have explored creating the life cycle of a plant by making play dough models of the different stages of grwoth. They lhave used new vocabulary such as root, shoot, sprout, stem, stalk, bud, leaf, flower and petal.

Category: Ducklings

Life cycles Growing plants and seeds


Composing Shapes

Image of Composing Shapes

The Ducklings have been exploring how to compose (make) a shape, using other shapes. It has allowed them to explore the fact that a shape can be made up of other shapes. They have explored selecting, rotating and manipulating shapes during these activities. Through this spatial reasoning, they…

Category: Ducklings



Planting Green Beans

Image of Planting Green Beans

Little Chicks listenend to the story Stitch.


Little chicks have planted French beans we are discovering what plants need to grow. We have five different pots with seeds and varied components.


  1. Seeds, soil, but no water.
  2. Seeds, soil, water, placed in the dark.
  3. Seeds, soil,…

Category: Little Chicks

science experiment Growing plants and seeds


Letter of the week U

Image of Letter of the week U

Little Chicks are learning the letter U they find objects beginning with U, write on the white boards words beginning with U, learn the jolly U song and join Captain Seasalt on Treasure island.

Playing the discover the picture U game.


Writing the letter U using their finger in…

Category: Little Chicks

writing phonics Speaking and Listening Singing


Measuring objects in different ways

Image of Measuring objects in different ways

Little Chicks have been measuring different objects using varied resources.


Using straws to measure               Using wooden blocks to measure        Using unifix to measure

Little Chicks were imaginative at finding different ways to measure objects.

to view gallery follow…

Category: Little Chicks

measure activemaths


Labelling of parts of a plant and Outdoor Learning

Image of Labelling of parts of a plant and Outdoor Learning

Little Chicks have been learning about the parts of a plant. They have named the parts of the plant and wrote the words onto their picture.

  Labelling parts of the plant.


Mrs Hicks Outdoor Learning

Little Chicks have been taking the left over food to the composte bin. Litttle…

Category: Little Chicks

writing science Growing plants and seeds


Making Flowers

Image of Making Flowers

The other week we painted pictures of the flowers we could see in the garden. This week we are creating 3D flowers using a variety of materials such as coloured straws, tissue paper of various shapes and sizes, feathers, gummed paper, pom-poms and cupcake holders. The children have then had to…

Category: Little Chicks


Ordering objects according to size

Image of Ordering objects according to size

This week we are having a go at ordering objects according to their size. We are using the language taller, tallest, shorter, shortest, longer and longest. Most of the children can order three objects according to height or length but we did push them to try and order six objects! 

I was very…

Category: Little Chicks


Snack Time

Image of Snack Time

You can create pictures with anything! These two boys became creative with their snack placing blueberries and grapes onto their crackers to create a face.

Fantastic idea boys!

Category: Little Chicks


Letter 't'

Image of Letter 't'

The children have copied the letter 't' or the word beginning with 't'. We are really getting some super writers!

Well done Little Chicks!

Category: Little Chicks


Little Chicks' Jack and the Beanstalk Story

Image of Little Chicks' Jack and the Beanstalk Story

This week we have been reading different versions of the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We have also written our own version of the story. 

The children's initials at the end of a sentence show who contributed the sentence.

I wonder if your child could tell you the…

Category: Little Chicks