Grandparents Afternoon 3/10/22

Image of Grandparents Afternoon 3/10/22

We were very lucky to have our Grandparents join us in school this afternoon. It was lovely to share our learning with them, as a big thank you for all that they do for us. We enjoyed taking the opportunity to find out about what life was like when they started school. The children thought of some…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Grandparents' Afternoon


Making Binoculars

Image of Making Binoculars

The senses we are learning about this week are sight and touch. The children are making binoculars to look through and see what they can see.

The children were given tubes, string, ribbon, scissors, tape, dabbers, hole punch, stapler, crayons, wool and wax crayons to create and decorate their…

Category: Little Chicks

Creative learning


Sorting Jewels

Image of Sorting Jewels

This week we are looking at 2D shapes. We are sorting the 'King's Jewels' according to shape.

We are very impressed with the children's ability to name some common 2D shapes such as heart, circle, star, triangle, square and oval.

I wonder if you can find some 2D shapes at home and send me…

Category: Little Chicks


Cutting skills

Image of Cutting skills

This week we are looking at how well we can use a pair of scissors to cut along a line.

Some of us needed a little support to get the correct hold but once this was achieved everyone managed to cut the paper and even cut along the line.

Well done Little Chicks!

To see more photos click on…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development


Grandparents Afternoon

Image of Grandparents Afternoon

This afternoon we welcomed Grandparents into EYFS to come and join in our activities and see what we do at Little Chicks.

They .......

Read stories to us.

helped us play games on the interactive board.

watched us draw pictures.


played shops.



After we…

Category: Little Chicks


Comparing length, weight and capacity

Image of Comparing length, weight and capacity

In Maths this week we are making comparisons with weight, length and capacity, both indoors and outdoors. The children will be using vocabulary such as biggest, smallest, longest, shortest, heaviest and lightest. 

Category: Ducklings



Grandparents' Day

Image of Grandparents' Day

We had such a wonderful afternoon celebrating our lovely Grandparents. The children loved sharing their learning and showing Grandparents around the setting. 

We also got to learn all about what it was like when our Grandparents were at school and how things were different at school in the…

Category: Ducklings

History Grandparents' Afternoon


Robin's Art


This afternoon in Robins, we have been practising drawing self portraits. We drew them outside on a larger scale before drawing them in our art books.

Category: Robins


Owls go cave painting

Image of Owls go cave painting

We are currently learning all about The Stone Age and we had a go at creating our own cave drawings. 

To make it more fun we made caves under the table and decorated them will Stone Age drawings.

Have a look at the album for more pictures. 

Category: Owls

owls art History Creative learning


Taste Testing

Image of Taste Testing

We have been having fun tasting different foods this week, to help us decide whether they taste sweet, salty, sour or bitter! I think the faces say it all!!!


Category: Ducklings

taste test senses Understanding the World


Our sense of smell

Image of Our sense of smell

The Ducklings have been using their noses to try and guess the different smells in the 'Mystery Smelling Pots.' They guessed that they could smell coffee, curry, perfume or flowers, orange and flowers.

Category: Ducklings

senses Understanding the World


More, fewer or the same

Image of More, fewer or the same

In maths this week, we have been comparing amounts or groups and seeing which group has more or fewer. We have also been counting to check our ideas and to see if any are the same.

Category: Ducklings
