Times Table Games

Image of Times Table Games

Kestrels spent time this week making times table board games that they could share with Robins class. 

Yesterday both classes had a lovely time playing them and learning from each other. 

Category: Kestrels


PE Traffic lights game

Image of PE Traffic lights game

Little Chicks learnt the game traffic lights, they warmed up before participating in the game.

They had a warm up Joe Wicks they did knees up, jogging on the spot, climb the ladder and lunges.


Little Chicks had to listen carefully to follow the instructions.


Category: Little Chicks

Physical development listening


Autumn leaf stencilling

Image of Autumn leaf stencilling

As part of our topic on Autumn, Little Chicks have been stencilling around Autumn templates and then colouring them in and then attempting to write their name.



Look around the garden or park for Signs of Autumn, have a go at leaf rubbings.


Follow for

Category: Little Chicks

writing fine motor Autumn


Grandparents/families afternoon

Image of Grandparents/families afternoon

This afternoon we welcomed Grandparents and families into EYFS to come and join in our activities and see what we do at Little Chicks.

They .......


Watched us balance.                                        Build sandcastle’s


Playing shape memory lotto.              …

Category: Little Chicks

Open afternoon


PE traffic lights

Image of PE traffic lights

Little Chicks learnt the game traffic lights, they warmed up before participating in the game.

Stretching, jogging on the spot, star jumps and head to toe.

The traffic light game.

Red = Stop

Amber=Get ready to go



Little Chicks had to listen carefully to…

Category: Little Chicks

Physical development listening


How did they create cave paintings in the Stone Age?

Image of How did they create cave paintings in the Stone Age?

Today we continued our work looking at stone age art. 

After a quick refresher on how to recreate the 'paint' using lard, paint powder and soil Kestrels class got to work. 

We painted some stones at the front of the school car park to test out our techniques. 

It was a messy but fun…

Category: Kestrels



Today in Robins, we looked at the properties of different materials. We were little scientists and conducted our own experiment, looking at the absorbency of different materials. We found that the paper towel was the most absorbent and the foil was the least absorbent.



Category: Robins



Image of Autumn

Little Chicks go on a wellie walk looking for signs of Autumn, they collected leaves, sycamores, conkers, acorns.

They made a collage using what they had collected.


To see more of the children's pictures click on the link: 

Category: Little Chicks



3d shapes

Image of 3d shapes

Little Chicks are learning 3d shapes.

Cube, cone, cuboid, sphere, pyramid, cylinder.

Little Chicks learn the 3d shape song.



Category: Little Chicks

3D shapes


Autumn Printing

Image of Autumn Printing

The Ducklings have been printing with fruits and vegetables this week and they have taken this learning outside with them and shown interest in wanting to print with natural fallen leaves in the garden.

Category: Ducklings

art fine motor printing Creative learning


The Scarecrow who didn't scare

Image of The Scarecrow who didn't scare

As part of our harvest celebrations, we have been reading different harvest themed stories. The children have enjoyed retelling the story of The Scarecrow who didn't scare, using different props to help them.  They are able to use the repetitive lanaguage from the traditional tale of The Little…

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening retelling story


Mental Health Week

Image of Mental Health Week

This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week. We have talked about the importance of feeling 'well' on the inside,  in our hearts and minds. Each day during the register, we have talked about how we might be feeling and why and have discussed what we can do if we don't feel happy.

We spent…

Category: Ducklings

PSED World Mental Health Awareness Day