Blog by Tag: instructions
This term Little Chicks will have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Today they engaged in PE with Miss Linky.
PE rules
1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall.
2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends.
3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop.
Category: Little Chicks
instructions Physical development
Counting Pizza Party
Little Chicks have been using to support their learning the program helps to learn counting, following instructions and 1-1 correspondence.
The program has other number challenges that the Little Chicks were engrossed in completing.
Follow the link to try out the program…
Category: Little Chicks
maths instructions Counting follow instruction
Designing a cake
One of our Ducklings has designed their own recipe for a cake and written instructions for how to make it! The family have then followed them and made the cake!
It looked delicious!
Category: Ducklings
writing instructions ducklings baking
How to make a yummy sandwich...
In Herons we have been learning about instructions!
We have been writing instructions for brushing our teeth, making sandwiches and getting ready for school.
We have found out that instructions use imperative verbs ... These are 'bossy' verbs. Do you know any?
Also we have learned a…
Category: Herons