Junk Model Castles

Image of Junk Model Castles

Some of the Ducklings have been very creative and have used the junk materials to make their own castles.

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Fill my purse game!

Image of Fill my purse game!

We have been learning to recognise the different coins and making amounts of money with various combinations of coins!

Category: Ducklings

Money maths


Writing sentences

Image of Writing sentences

The Ducklings have been trying to write sentences, completely independently, with some of the tricky words they have been learning. It's quite tricky to make sure that you start with a capital letter, remember your finger spaces and end with a full stop too! Lots to remember!

Category: Ducklings

writing Tricky words phonics


Making bird feeders

Image of Making bird feeders

We are helping to feed the birds during the cold winter months by making bird feeders for them. We also hope that it will bring more birds to our garden for us to spot!

Category: Ducklings

big bird watch Understanding the World


Funky Finger Castles

Image of Funky Finger Castles

We have been using our fine motor skills to carefully place matchsticks and make a castle.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor


Magnetic Materials

Image of Magnetic Materials

We have learnt that a knight's armour would have been made from metal. We have been exploring different objects and their materials to see if they are magnetic or not. We found out that not all metals are magnetic!

Category: Ducklings

materials Understanding the World



In Parrots we are enjoying our new indoor PE topic. We have been working together to create our own dance.

We have been using different speeds and levels to move like astronauts, rockets and planets. I have been so impressed with all of the Parrots brilliant ideas and how they work together as…

Category: Parrots


Space Explorers

This afternoon we were very busy preparing for our class assembly!

The children are very excited to show you everything they have been learning over the last three weeks. We have lots of interesting facts and stories from the past to share with you all about space exploration.

Our assembly…

Category: Herons


The Titanic disaster continues

Image of The Titanic disaster continues

We are loving learning about the Titanic!


This week we have created newspaper articles, written the day after the disaster and have begun to write menus for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd class passengers.

Have a look at our work so far. We have not only written articles and menus but we have…

Category: Hawks

art writing hawks display English big write year5 year 6 disaster strikes titanic


Hawks Homework

HOMEWORK 25.1.19 

This is due in for Wednesday 30th January 2019

Spellings have been sent home, IDL, rockstars, Blog and daily reading to continue as normal please.

This week we have continued learning about the disaster of the Titanic, which you have all really enjoyed. Some of your…

Category: Hawks

hawks disaster strikes titanic homework


This Week in Robins

This week we did bowling and bouncing with Jamie. We practised our standing position for bowling and our bouncing skills have improved. Alice Walker and Jack Hanson-Brazil received certificates for their effort throughout the lesson. We used 'snatch' during computing which is a control program.…

Category: Robins


Gymnastics in Eagles

Image of Gymnastics in Eagles

We have been doing gymnastics and learning how to create counter balance and counter tension with a partner and in a small group. We will be creating longer patterns over the next few weeks.

Which pattern or movement did you find the most difficult and why? What did you learn about your body…

Category: Eagles