A trip to KS1

After spending a week learning the features of myths and practising retelling them, today we had a trip out of class to visit the Robins and the Herons. We read and retold the myth we had chosen. 

Mrs Jones, Mrs Claydon, Miss Birch and Mrs Kapa were very…

Category: Doves


Doves twitching skills

On Wednesday we spent a lovely half an hour walking around the school grounds bird watching. we saw blackbirds, seagulls, pigeons and some of us we think we spotted a Robin. 

On Thursday Nicolas went with 5 other KS2 children and Mrs Hicks to spot some more birds and talk to a radio presenter,…

Category: Doves


*Owls Birdwatching

The children in Owls have absolutely loved the bird watching activities this week. We have explored our school grounds for the different species of birds and I think we were all quite surprised at what we found. The children have been so interested in this that we have decided to continue this…

Category: Owls

outdoor learning big bird watch environment


*Owls develop communication skills during team building games.

The children in Owls class worked with Jamie from Fleetwood Town to develop their communication and team building skills. One group had to navigate their way across a 'swomp' only standing in hoops and making sure they got their team across safely. The other team were split in to two teams and…

Category: Owls

owls P.E. outdoor learning team work


Exploring the frost and ice

Image of Exploring the frost and ice

We took advantage of the amazing cold weather this week, got wrapped up warm and went outside for a spot of 'in the moment' learning. The children talked about freezing and melting, looked for patterns in the frost and ice and even managed a few frost Angels! All topped off with a yummy drink of…

Category: Ducklings



Image of Birdwatching

We have started our birdwatching week in Ducklings. The children have looked at common birds they're likely to see, have been exploring with binoculars and recording birds spotted in our garden and hedgerow. 

Category: Ducklings


Super Phonics!

Image of Super Phonics!

The Ducklings show us every day how well they are learning new sounds and able to apply them in their independent reading and writing.

Category: Ducklings

writing reading phonics Spelling


Tricky words

Image of Tricky words

The Ducklings are practising writing the tricky words that they have been learning. We can't wait to see them in their every day writing! Well done!

Category: Ducklings

writing Tricky words


Exploring the icy weather

Image of Exploring the icy weather

We had great fun today exploring how Jack frost had turned our school field white! We warmed up afterwards with a warm drink of hot chocolate as a special treat!

Look at the gallery here....https://www.carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk/photo-galleries/exploring-the-frost

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Understanding the World


Wonderful Space Explorers!

Image of Wonderful Space Explorers!

I would like to say a huge thank you for the amazing homework that has been brought into Herons so far this week!

The standard of the children's research is amazing. It looks like they have really enjoyed making them! 

There are some wonderful fact files, information sheets and newspaper…

Category: Herons


One Frosty Day

Image of One Frosty Day

The whole of EYFS went out to investigate the frost and ice. It took us all a while to get wrapped up warm in puddle suits, coats, wellies, hats, gloves and scarves! The children used magnifying glasses to look at the ice and the patterns it made and i-pads to take photos. We found frozen spider's…

Category: Little Chicks


Recognising coins

Image of Recognising coins

We have been looking at identifying the different coins by their value, shape, colour and size.

Category: Ducklings

Money maths