Skittle Subtraction

Image of Skittle Subtraction

The Ducklings have been exploring subtraction using a game of skittles today! They were super at writing the number sentences that they created. They also got to practise their kicking and rolling skills too!

Category: Ducklings




Tomorrow is Safer Internet Day.  We will be learning about how to keep safe online.

Can you think of how we can stay safe?

Category: Falcons



This Week in Robins

This week we have been learning about time. We were matching the clocks to the times. With Jamie in P.E. we played team games. On Wednesday we went out in the snow. We had a fabulous time! We did programming during computing. 

Category: Robins


Hawks admire the snow!


Hawks admired the snow out of our window this week!

They also got to enjoy playing in the snow at lunchtime.


Describe what you saw! Did you enjoy going outside with your friends to enjoy the snow? Explain.

Category: Hawks

hawks snow year5 year 6


Hawks Homework

HAWKS HOMEWORK: Friday 1st February 2019 DUE IN: Wednesday 6th February 2019


I am so proud of how hard you all worked this week, it was a different week but you all tried your best which is all I can ask for. The pieces of homework you created last week were FANTASTIC; I cannot wait to…

Category: Hawks



Image of Phonics

Using our phonic skills to help us segment and spell words independently.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Nibby visits our class

Image of Nibby visits our class

We were very lucky to have a visit from Nibby (Arthur's daddy,) a children's book illustrator today. The children listened really well while he talked to them about his job and then they all loved describing their ideas for a dragon to him and he drew them each a dragon!

Thank you very much…

Category: Ducklings

visitor Creative learning


A busy week!

We have done so much exciting work this week! We discovered that aliens had been to Carleton Green and we have written stories and wonderful descriptions about them; we have thought about what it would be like to be an alien alone on Earth; we have been learning about Position and Direction in…

Category: Herons


Kestrels Homework

As part of your homework this week I have asked you to read our class blog and make a comment. 


I would like you to comment on one of our posts and tell me what you particularly liked about our learning, or comment on this post and tell me what you have enjoyed most about your learning…

Category: Kestrels

kestrels LKS2 homework


Nibby's Visit

Image of Nibby's Visit

Today Nibby (Arthur's Dad) came in to talk about his work as an illustrator. The children loved looking at the pictures and illustrations he has done. Some of his illustrations such as a map for the Sea Life cenre can take up to a month to complete. After asking Nibby some questions he kindly drew…

Category: Little Chicks


Kestrels Italian Eating

On Thursday we held our eat like an Italian afternoon. 

The children become chefs to try their hand at cooking and show off their culinary skills. 

Delightful dishes of Caprese Salad and Tomato Bruschetta were created and tasted by the children. 

We then finished off with a sample of…

Category: Kestrels

kestrels LKS2


Snow fun!

What an exciting day!

We were all very surprised to see snow falling this morning. 

We all enjoyed spending time in the snow, with our friends. 



Category: Parrots