Clitheroe Castle

Image of Clitheroe Castle

We had an amazing visit to Clitheroe Castle for our 'fantastic finish'. The sun shone as the children learned how to use a sword to befriend a dragon, listened to a story about a brave knight at the castle, experienced the castle's keep and the museum. Our children were exceptionally well behaved…

Category: Ducklings



As part of our new topic your child will be taking part in a carousel of activities and will need the following on Monday 25th February 2019.

  1.  An outdoor kit.
  2. A circular piece of card (approximately 30-40cm diameter).
  3. An apron if you own one.


Category: Falcons

Eagles hawks falcons


Clitheroe Castle

Image of Clitheroe Castle

The Ducklings had a fantastic day out in Clitheroe visiting the castle and the weather was glorious!

They heard the myth about the Clitheroe dragon and trained to be a dragon protector. The Ducklings enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sun before exploring the remains of the castle keep and then the…

Category: Ducklings

trip Understanding the World Creative learning


Super Science!

Yesterday Hodgson came to visit Carleton Green. We had a fabulous afternoon building our own rockets and trying to make them fly! 

The students from Year 10 taught us all about how rockets need friction to fly and we tested it with a string and balloon experiment. Can you remember what…

Category: Herons


Hodgson Science Visit by Lucas Wilmot

Yesterday we had a visit by Hodgson Acadamy. They came to show us about the heart. Firstly they shown us a powerpoint and facts about how the heart works. Next we saw a diagram of how the heart works and tried to reacreate our own version of it.It all started were, Oliver R was the red blood cell,…

Category: Falcons

science Hodgson


After the holiday!!

I hope you all have a lovely break!!

Please remember the following-

As part of our new topic your child will be taking part in a carousel of activities and will need the following on Monday 25th February 2019.

  1.  An outdoor kit.
  2. A circular piece of card (approximately 30-40cm…

Category: Falcons


Knights and Princesses Day

Image of Knights and Princesses Day

Today we had a special day to bring our topic to a close. The children loved dressing up as knights, kings, princesses, princes and even dragons!

We did some medieval dancing, had a banquet, went to knight school and even had a jousting tournament on horseback (hobby horse back!)

Look at the…

Category: Ducklings


Investigating castle catapults!

Image of Investigating castle catapults!

The Ducklings have loved making their own catapults and exploring which objects or materials make the best cannons and can travel the furthest! Mrs Catterall got hit quite a few times! 

Category: Ducklings

investigation Understanding the World


Baking for a Banquet

Image of Baking for a Banquet

We have been busy baking and decorating cupcakes ready for our banquet on our knights and princesses day!

Look at the gallery here...

Category: Ducklings



A visit from Hodgson

Three students from Hodgson came to teach Hawks all about the heart. The children were inspired and enthusiastic about this interactive and hands-on experience they had.The children now know the main parts of the human circulatory system and understand the importance and functions of the…

Category: Hawks

science year5 year 6 Hodgson heart


Life as a Titanic passenger

The children in Hawks have been learning all about the disaster of the Titanic this half term. This week they acted as a 1st, 2nd or 3rd class passenger. They went to the dining room and ate their meals which they had prepared earlier in the day whilst watching Titanic documentaries and listened…

Category: Hawks

hawks year5 year6 titanic


Hawks...Ready, Steady, COOK!

Children in Hawks this week had a cooking lesson in the Wing. They have been learning about healthy lifestyles and balanced diets. The children have also been learning about life as a Titanic passenger and have created different menus. The children worked in teams to create two breakfast…

Category: Hawks

healthyliving hawks healthy KS2 year5 year6 Healthy eating titanic cooking baking the Wing healthy plate