Adding with Knights

Image of Adding with Knights

The Ducklings have been using objects to help them create some addition problems.

Category: Ducklings

maths Addition


Dressing up

Image of Dressing up

The Ducklings and Little Chicks have loved the new dressing up clothes. They are enjoying pretending to be Knights, princes and princesses.

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Laying the table

Image of Laying the table

The Ducklings have been laying the table for the seven dwarfs. They had to make sure that there was 7 of everything.

Category: Ducklings

maths stories Counting


Practising throwing

Image of Practising throwing

The Ducklings have been putting their underarm throwing skills into practise by aiming their throws at hoops and reading the tricky words!

Category: Ducklings

reading Physical development


Addition Stories

Image of Addition Stories

The Ducklings have been adding all week practically with different objects. They are now able to create and record their own addition number sentences. Well done!

Category: Ducklings

maths Addition


This Week in Robins

When we returned to school we were shocked to find a control panel from a spaceship on the playground! We received an email from a concerned neighbour who had taken a photograph of something strange in the sky on Sunday evening. We agreed  that it was probably the spacecraft before it crashed! We…

Category: Robins


A super start!

Wow! What a start to our brand new term and a brand new year!

We have been learning all about Space Explorers and the moon landing in 1969. I was so impressed by everyone's enthusiasm and how much you could all remember and use in your learning!

What facts can you remember about the moon…

Category: Herons


An exciting start to the year

Image of An exciting start to the year

It has been a very exciting start to the Doves' year. Jordan 

We made Shields. Ruben. 

We made mozaics. Nathaniel

Mr Cooper made a camp fire and we cooked potatoes on it. Evie. 

We had a Roman invasion. Hannah 

Some really fun stuff has been going on. Max

We tried some Roman…

Category: Doves

art DT Creative learning 3D shapes


Adding everywhere!

Image of Adding everywhere!

We are learning how to add this week in Ducklings. They children have been immersed in opportunities to add practically, using the clever touch board and outside. We have been practicing the skill of 'counting on' from a number, a skill which some of the children are already using…

Category: Ducklings


Being Creative at home

Image of Being Creative at home

A big thank you to Zach and his family for contributing to our topic by making some amazing knight's helmets for our role play area. The children are loving being imaginative with them!  

Category: Ducklings


Little Chicks investigate the frost

Image of Little Chicks investigate the frost

This morning some Little Chicks went around the grounds looking at the frost and ice they found. They created hand and footprints in the frost and drew patterns in it. The children could also see their breath and described the frost as cold and crunchy. The children also discovered that where the…

Category: Little Chicks


Ducklings and Little Chicks are Detectives

Image of Ducklings and Little Chicks are Detectives

We returned after Christmas to find that someone had been in our classroom and left us some clues as to who they were! We found a blue cloak, a mirror, a bottle of poison, an apple with a bite out of it, 7 dwarfs, a small spade, some diamonds and a bow and arrow. The children were very excited and…

Category: Ducklings

stories English