Meteorite crash in the playground!

Yesterday something exciting happened in the playground at Carleton Green!

A meteorite had crashed into our playground so we spent the day investigating and reporting on what clues we could find!

We are very excited for the term ahead and our new topic "Space Explorers".

This term, we are…

Category: Herons


Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2019 to all the Doves and their families. I hope you have all enjoyed a wonderful break and are rested and recharged for the exciting new term. 

Our first day back in school, Monday 7th January, will also be our first swimming session so please remember your kit. long hair needs to…

Category: Doves


This Week in Robins

This week we have finished our class advent calendar. I hope all the robins are hanging on the children's Christmas trees! On Christmas jumper day we had fun sorting our jumpers by their colour, then we presented the information using pictograms and block graphs. It was very exciting when the…

Category: Robins


Science Week in Eagles

Image of Science Week in Eagles

Last week we spent our time learning all about light. We thought about how light travels, how we see things, how shadows are formed and how light behaves in different situations. Finally we built a periscope that reflects light and helps us see around corners.

Which part of the week did you…

Category: Eagles


Our special visit!

Today Carleton Green had a very special visitor! 

The children all got to go and see Santa in his grotto and got an exciting present!

When we thought it couldn't get more exciting, we all tucked into a Christmas dinner, told jokes and listened to music. 

It was lovely to see everyone's…

Category: Herons


Little Chicks and Ducklings Christmas Party

Image of Little Chicks and Ducklings Christmas Party

The children had great fun playing musical statues and musical bumps, it was very hard to catch some children out. After a bit more dancing we had a drink and a biscuit before playing pass the parcel in our classes. It was then time for the dancing competition and all the teachers were very…

Category: Little Chicks


Christmas Lunch

Image of Christmas Lunch

The Ducklings and Little Chicks enjoyed their Christmas lunch. We even got one last chance to see Father Christmas before he went off on his way!

The kitchen staff loved the Christmas card we had made them.

Category: Ducklings

Christmas dinner


A special visitor

Image of A special visitor

The Ducklings must have all been very good boys and girls as we had a visit from Father Christmas today! We gave him our letters that we have been busy writing this week.

We were all very lucky to receive a gift from him too!

Category: Ducklings

Christmas FatherChristmas


A Visit from Father Christmas

Image of A Visit from Father Christmas

Little Chicks were very excited as Father Christmas gave a surprise visit to school this morning! Father Christmas had time in his busy schedule to speak to each child and give them each a selection box. 

Click here for more photos: 

Category: Little Chicks


Little Chicks at Rossall Chapel

Image of Little Chicks at Rossall Chapel

We had four Little Chicks who took part in the Carol Concert last night at Rossall Chapel. They behaved impeccably and I am very proud of them. Thank you for your support and we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


More photos - click here 

Category: Little Chicks


Kestrels Enjoy OAA and Flutes

Image of Kestrels Enjoy OAA and Flutes

Another busy week in School and in Kestrels! 

This week we have really enjoyed watching the KS1 and The EYFS Christmas performances as well as all the learning we have been doing. 


We have been showing off our OAA skills and showing Mr Cooper just how good we are at using as compass and…

Category: Kestrels

kestrels music OAA LKS2


This Week in Robins

It has been a very busy week! The children did very well performing 'A Midwife Crisis' and they clearly enjoyed themselves! They looked lovely in their costumes. In history we worked in groups & presented information about the Great Fire of London using the headings given. The children are…

Category: Robins