Little Chicks Gardening

Image of Little Chicks Gardening

This afternoon we have been preparing the vegetable beds, digging the soil over and breaking it up ready for planting. The soil was very hard but the children gave it a good go and learnt how to use the spades safely.


Category: Little Chicks


How to catch a star!

Today we have been learning actions to help us retell the story of 'How to catch a star'. 


The children created some great actions to help them remember the story from start to finish.


We will use our actions to help us rewrite the story on Friday.


Well done…

Category: Herons


Testing our taste

Image of Testing our taste

As part of out topic this week we are exploring our sense of taste. Today we experimented with different foods to explore our taste buds. We tried bitter, sour, sweet, spicy and salty. 

Category: Ducklings


Cutting skills

Image of Cutting skills

This week the Ducklings have been using their cutting skills to practise cutting up fruits and vegetables. This strengthens their hand and wrist muscles ready for writing.

Category: Ducklings

ducklings Physical development


Using a knife and fork

Image of Using a knife and fork

On our malleable table this week we have been rolling play dough sausages and then using our fine motor skills to practise cutting them with a knife and fork.

Practise using your knife and fork correctly at home too.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Physical development Malleable



Image of Senses

The Little chicks have been learning about their senses. This week we are looking at taste, Mrs Stock asked the children what they liked to eat.

The children drew on a plate to show there favourite foods.

Category: Little Chicks


Finding Materials

Today in science we went looking around school to find different objects.  We took some photos of the objects we found.  Can you tell what they are and what material they are made from?

Category: Robins

science Robins2020


A visitor to Ducklings

Image of A visitor to Ducklings

On Friday we were very lucky to have a visit from Mr Kenyon who supports a little girl in Little Chicks that is deaf. Mr Kenyon is also deaf and he came to talk to us about being deaf, as we are learning about our senses and in particular hearing. He explained what being deaf means for different…

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening senses Understanding the World


Parrots' Student Council

Today we had our class vote for the student council and we are so very proud to announce that these children will be our class representatives. I am sure they will do a fabulous job. Well done.


Category: Parrots

parrots democracy


Falcons Star of the Week

Image of Falcons Star of the Week

Well done to  who is this week's Star of the Week.

Category: Falcons


Owls 18.09.20

This week it is the turn of Alex Berry to write our blog.

This week we have learnt about number sequences which are like number patterns. Also we have been answering a questions about a stone age text. We've predicted what was happening in some stone age cave paintings using the five W's…

Category: Owls



Owls Update 18.09.20

Well done Owls!!!

This week we have continued to learn about place value and learnt about negative numbers.  The children have also analysed some non-chronological reports.  We have also made the most of this beautiful weather and enjoyed P.E.!

Well done to Jack Hodgin for being our Star of…

Category: Owls
