Robins Art & DT

This week we finished off our Art and DT.  We drew pictures of a significant Blackpool figure, Charlie Cairoli and we also made a picnic blanket.  We each designed a square of the blanket and then produced it using felt.  We were able to sew our image onto the background colour using black thread…

Category: Robins

art DT Robins2020


Parrots learnt: How To Catch A Star Story using actions

The children in Parrots have learnt the story sequence to: How to Catch a Star using actions to help them remember each key event. Well done everyone.


Category: Parrots

ks1 reading English


Eagles - 18th September 2020

We have had a really busy week getting back into our routines and learning more about our topic. We have worked hard in Maths learning about Roman numerals - can you remember how to write the date? Our English lessons have been based on our class book - How to Train Your Dragon, and we have begun…

Category: Eagles


Maths language of quantities

Image of Maths language of quantities

Little Chicks have been making comparisons of quantities. They used the language more, less, loads, few to show difference in amounts.

Category: Little Chicks



Image of Rhyming

The Ducklings have been singing lots of nursery rhymes, listening to rhyming words in different stories and playing lots of rhyming games.

Category: Ducklings

reading Rhyme Speaking and Listening


Ducklings and PE

Image of Ducklings and PE


The Ducklings had another lovely PE lesson yesterday, out in the sun. They got fully changed into their PE kits for the first time. Don't they look smart? They practised following instructions carefully, explored moving in different ways and to be mindful of the spaces…

Category: Ducklings

eyfs pe Physical development


The Enormous Crocodile

Image of The Enormous Crocodile

Some of the Ducklings have been ordering the main events from The Enormous Crocodile story.

Category: Ducklings

reading Speaking and Listening



Image of Counting

The Ducklings have been busy showing off their counting skills and matching to the correct number.

Category: Ducklings

maths Counting


The Enormous Crocodile

Image of The Enormous Crocodile

As part of our Roald Dahl day, the children loved retelling the story using the small world animals.

Category: Ducklings

reading Speaking and Listening


Measuring quantities

Image of Measuring quantities

Little chicks have been comparing quantities. Miss Taylor asked the children to fill vessels with different amounts.

Category: Little Chicks


Travelling in different ways

Image of Travelling in different ways

Our Ducklings are loving our Tuesday P.E lessons outside. This week the children were working in their colour teams and travelling in different ways, using both their bodies and equipment. 

We have been talking about the importance of warming up and cooling down our bodies before and after…

Category: Ducklings


Roald Dahl Day

Image of Roald Dahl Day

We celebrated Roald Dahl day this week with one of his amazing books, The Enormous Crocodile. The children loved the story and thought the characters were hilarious. I'm sure they will be able to tell you their favourite character! 

The children had fun completing activities to do with the…

Category: Ducklings