Introducing Letters and Sounds

Image of Introducing Letters and Sounds

This week we have started Phase 2 in our Phonics journey. We have been looking at and writing letter shapes, thinking of words that begin with each letter and playing lots of games. Look at this wonderful letter formation! 

Category: Ducklings


Sign Language

The Little Chicks are learning to use sign language, Mr Kenyon supports one of the Little Chicks and is teaching the group how to use sign language. 

Category: Little Chicks


Cutting herbs and paper

Image of Cutting herbs and paper

Today we have had a go at cutting up herbs and along lines on paper. A lot of us tried to cut holding the scissors in two hands and needed support in how to hold them correctly. It is a very tricky skill to learn and we need to build up the strength in our fingers to enable us to open and close…

Category: Little Chicks


Parrots' September Big Clean

The children in Parrots have learnt all about looking after the environment through throwing rubbish away properly and re-cycling to protect our wildlife. They produced some amazing information posters and have talked about the different ways they can look after the environment. Well done…

Category: Parrots

outdoor learning environment


Guess the taste?

Image of Guess the taste?

As we were finding out more about the sense of taste this week, we carried out a fun investigation. We made 3 different drinks, all red in colour, for the children to taste and guess the flavour. One was water, one orange squash and one lemon squash. The children were able to use their sense of…

Category: Ducklings

investigation senses Understanding the World


Being independent

Image of Being independent

The Ducklings are getting really good at putting on their puddle suits all by themselves now.

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Eye colour

Image of Eye colour

We have found out how many children have each eye colour in our class. We made a 'living' graph and then counted up the total for each eye colour. We used vocabulary such as more, less, fewest, greatest. 

Category: Ducklings

maths data handling


Alliteration and odd one out

Image of Alliteration and odd one out

The Ducklings have been listening to the initial sounds that objects and words begin with. They had to spot the odd one out.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Our favourite fruits

Image of Our favourite fruits

In mathematics we have been finding out what each of our favourite fruits are. We made a 'living' graph and then counted the number of children that liked each fruit. Which was the most popular fruit in our class?

Category: Ducklings

maths data handling


Problem solving

Image of Problem solving

The ducklings have enjoyed solving the problem of how to get the apples out of the cylinders by just using the water and pipettes. It was also a good activity for strengthening their finger muscles to prepare them for writing.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning water problem solving Funky Fingers


Writing numbers

Image of Writing numbers

The Ducklings have enjoyed singing rhymes to help them write numbers. They then practised writing numbers on the Clevertouch board.

Category: Ducklings

maths writing


Doves - Topic homework 25.6.20 - Stone Age facts

This week Doves have been researching life in the Stone Age and comparing it with our life today. 
We looked at how to research online and make notes of the important information.

** Can you find an amazing Stone Age fact and post it in the comments? **

You can talk to your adult about…

Category: Doves

doves Stone Age homework non-chronological report research discussion