Falcons take part in the September Big Clean

This week Falcons have taken part in the September big clean by picking up litter in and around the school playground.

Have a look at our pictures to see all the litter we found.


Category: Falcons




Image of Poetry

This week in our English sessions we have been learning about poems.  Today we learnt one of the poems to perform and some of us included actions in our performances.  Here is A & E performing their poem.

Category: Robins

poetry English Robins2020


More and Fewer

Image of More and Fewer

The Ducklings have been counting carefully in mathematics and comparing two amounts, deciding which group has more and which has less or fewer.

Category: Ducklings

maths Counting


Our reading family

Image of Our reading family

The Ducklings have started out on the journey of learning to read by meeting the family from the Oxford Reading  Tree stories. They have been learning the names of the different characters.

Category: Ducklings




Please can you check your emails and register your child for Cool Milk if you would like your child to have free milk each day they attend.

If you haven't received an email and it's not in your junk box, please let the office know in case we don't have your correct email.



Category: Little Chicks


Using our sense of smell

Image of Using our sense of smell

This week we are learning about our sense of smell. We blind folded the children (if they wanted)  and got them to smell 5 different things and asked them what they thought it was or reminded them of. The 5 smells were, vinegar, sweet chilli sauce, Worcestershire sauce, jam and ginger. We got some…

Category: Little Chicks


FUnky Fingers

Image of FUnky Fingers

The Ducklings have been busy practising doing up and undoing shirt buttons. They are getting faster all the time. It is easier to practise when they are not wearing their shirt. It is quite tricky when they are still wearing it!

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Funky Fingers


Underarm throw

Image of Underarm throw

The Ducklings have been learning how to throw underarm at a target. It is quite tricky to remember to put the opposite leg to your throwing arm forward and to swing your arm behind you when you throw. Well done Ducklings. Another lovely day in the sun for PE too!

Category: Ducklings

eyfs pe Throwing


Getting ready for PE

Image of Getting ready for PE

The Ducklings are getting much better at undoing and doing up their buttons for themselves when getting ready for PE. Keep practising this at home when you get dressed and undressed every day too.

Category: Ducklings


Herb soup

Image of Herb soup

We are learning about the sense of smell this week. We have harvested some herbs from our garden and have been using scissors to snip the herbs and make our own 'herb soup.' The children have enjoyed using their sense of smell to investigate each of the different herbs.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Speaking and Listening senses Understanding the World


Silly soup!

Image of Silly soup!

Only objects beginning with our special sound can go in our soup. Today's sound was the letter 't. The boys put a toothbrush, a turtle, a teddy and a tiger in the soup.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Speaking and Listening letters


Falcons Student Council

Well done to 

Ada and Leo

who will be our class representatives for Student Council this year.




Category: Falcons