Art and RE Day in Owls
On Tuesday 18th April as a whole school we had an Art and RE Day. Our focus was the Easter Story and the symbols of the Holy Spirit. To start we presentented our homework, 'What does Easter mean to me?' We then looked at the symbol we has been given by Mrs Lees and Mrs Wills. Our symbol was water.…
Category: Owls
owls year3 art year4 water display RE helping others symbols
Owls Roman Day
During our Roman Day on Friday 21st April, the children across all three classes took part in a carousel of activities in the morning. There was Roman Road Building with Mr Cooper, Roman Shield (or Scutum as it was known in Roman times) designing with Mrs Harding and Moasic Art with Miss…
Category: Owls
owls year3 art year4 KS2 PE OAA History geography mosaics
Owls love skipping
As part of our whole school initive Owls are really loving our daily skpping challenge. We are trying really hard to skip with a skipping rope for 2 minutes without stopping.This is in addiiton to break, lunch and PE. The Owls are keeping a tally to show how many times we have skipped each week.…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 KS2 PE daily skipping
Science Week in Owls
This week we have loved science week.
We have been making lots of changes with materials.
We created dancing gloop changing a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a solid using the materials cornflower and water.
Mrs Claydon came in on Tuesday and we investigated which materials would be…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 science scienceweek2017 investigation experiment changes
Owls Outdoor Adventure Activities
In PE we are learning OAA. Our aims are to trust, commit and work as a team.
So far we have created letters and words with our bodies. Can you guess what we are spelling?
We have been blindfolded are guided by our friends. What was challenging?
We have created trails for other teams to…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 citizen friend pshe OAA
Owls World Book Week
In Owls this week we have had a brilliant week all about books!
During the week, we have had ERICS time in the library, been reading buddies to children in Robins and shared topic books with a partner of choice.
On Thursday it was World Book Day. We had a brilliant morning with Mrs Cassiday…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 reading English world book week world book day reading buddies
Owls Persuasive TV Adverts
In Owls we have been creating persuasive TV adverts.
In English we have created persuasive slogans and scripts to persuade the audience to buy our products.
We have recorded and editied them outside using IPads.
Which product were you selling? What was your slogan? What did you…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 computing outdoor learning English persuasive TV adverts ipads
Safer Internet Day 2017 in Owls
In Owls we watched lots of videos which taught us how to be safe on the internet whilst having fun!
We found out that asking an adult is a MUST when unsure or wanting to watch something online!
We read rules for how to make a change for a better internet.
Independently we created new…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 computing saferinternetday2017
Owls February Half Term
I would love to know what you have all been up to during this half term. I am looking forward to listening and reading about your exciting week off. If you have got anything to share or want to show I would love to see it.
Have you been anywhere exciting? What did you see and do?
Category: Owls
New Reading Books
We were very excited this week to choose our new reading books. We are very lucky to now have a new reading scheme which goes all the way through school. Miss Howarth has been assessing us this week and then we all chose our new reading book from the scheme. There are so many to choose from and we…
Category: Owls
Owls Big Bird Watch
This week in Owls we have had a fun week of learning based on bird watching.
We have researched and found out about many different types of birds and went out to spot as many as we could. We then wrote about what we saw. In Maths we created a tally of how many birds we saw in a period of time…
Category: Owls
owls year3 art year4 maths writing outdoor learning big bird watch DT
Owls Problem Solving
On Friday 17th January, Owls had a very active problem solving day. We worked in our teams to complete a jump challenge. In our teams we all had to jump, measure and record. We then had to solve problems using the data we collected. This involved converting cm…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 maths wordproblems KS2 PE problem solving challenge active lifestyles jumping data