Our week in Parrots
This week we have been using and applying our mathematical skills for directional language, money and shape. In outdoor P.E. we have practised dodging, bowling and throwing, and have played small team games.
Category: Parrots
Tasting Tropical Fruits
The Ducklings have enjoyed tasting different tropical fruits during snack time this week!
Look at the gallery here.....
Category: Ducklings
Fascinating Snails
Today the children noticed a lot of snails when outside. This we a perfect opportunity to get up close, handle and share our knowledge about snails. It was lovely to see how gentle, curious and excited the children were.
Category: Ducklings
Baskets of fruit!
The Ducklings have been using their cutting skills to make baskets of fruit, just like in the Handa's Surprise story.
Category: Ducklings
Handa's Surprise Story Maps
The Ducklings are enjoying the Handa's Surprise story. Some of them know it so well that they have been able to draw and label their own 'maps' of what happens throughout the story.
Category: Ducklings
In phonics we have been learning to read and write words ending with two consonants. Some of us have been spelling them too!
Category: Ducklings
Today we have been exploring printing with fruits.
Category: Ducklings
art outdoor learning Creative learning
Wind in the Willows
In Robins we are really enjoying our new topic.
We have been busy reading Wind in the Willows and all of the children have produced some beautiful writing using adjectives and adverbs.
Also this week we have been exploring outside to find mini-beasts and we have been learning about…
Category: Robins
Year 2 year1 Ks1 pe science geography
Handa's Surprise
This week at Little chicks we have been looking a lot at our story of Handa's Surprise. The children have done really well at recalling the story, and have been answering lots of questions about the story, showing they have listened well. From this, we have then been able to retell and act out the…
Category: Little Chicks
In Parrots we have been...
Please look at photographs of us: sorting things in to living/non-living/never lived; Folding in half to find lines of symmetry; Creating symmetrical balances with partners in P.E.; Going on a mini beast hunt; Developing throwing skills with Jordan in outdoor P.E.
Category: Parrots
Being Imaginative!
It's amazing how the Ducklings can turn just a cardboard box into absolutely anything! They have built a lovely steam train.
Category: Ducklings
The 'Where am I?' Game
The Ducklings have been using lots of different prepositions or position words to describe where they have placed some creatures around the garden.
Category: Ducklings