This week at Little chicks we have been looking a lot at our story of Handa's Surprise. The children have done really well at recalling the story, and have been answering lots of questions about the story, showing they have listened well. From this, we have then been able to retell and act out the story in our own words in the small world. This has been good for developing our literacy and communication skills as we have had to use some new words such as 'guava'.

In maths we have been ordering objects according to their length or height, with most of us doing really well at sorting, along with practising our cutting skills.

Outside, we have practised balancing baskets on our heads like they did in the story, and have been making a hut for Handa in the sand. as we learnt that the story is set in the country of Africa, and the houses are much different to our own houses. We used different natural materials from around the garden to decorate the huts.

Handa's surprise

Posted by Mrs Richardson on 4 May 2018

Category: Little Chicks


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