Falcons Fabulous Work

Thank you so much to Harry and Zara for sending photos of their fabulous work. It looks wonderful and well done for working hard.


Category: Falcons

falcons uks2


Our last Zoom quiz

Image of Our last Zoom quiz

Well done everybody! That was our last Zoom meeting today! It has been great to be able to keep in touch with you over the last few weeks and months, in spite of a few technical problems here and there and Mrs Catterall's rubbish internet!!  

Today's was particularly problematic, but we got…

Category: Ducklings

ICT ducklings


Phonics at home

Image of Phonics at home

The Ducklings have been practising their phonics at home in lots of different ways. Well done! Keep up the good work.

Category: Ducklings

phonics ducklings


Herons Home Learning Superstars

Hello Herons


Thank you for sending me all of your fantastic work you have been doing at home. 

Please keep sending me pictures and emailing me updates. I love to hear from you and share your hard work with the rest of the class.

This week's superstars are 

Amelia and…

Category: Herons


Doves ZOOM Quiz

Hi Doves,


Don't forget! Our quiz will take place tomorrow (Thursday) at 11am.


This will be our FINAL quiz!


Hope to see you there,


Miss C

Category: Doves


Super sunflowers

Image of Super sunflowers

Here is some more lovely work all about sunflowers. Ben and Blake have used beautiful cursive handwriting to label their paintings! well done!


Look at the photos here...


Category: Ducklings


Friends from a distance

Image of Friends from a distance

It was lovely to see this photograph of some of our ducklings showing how it's still great fun to be with your friends even when keeping a safe distance.

Hopefully see you all very soon!

Category: Ducklings

friend safer PSED


Hawks final Zoom quiz!

Image of Hawks final Zoom quiz!

Today, Hawks went quizzing on Zoom for the final time as from next week we re-open for EYFS, 1 and 6! I have really enjoyed quizzing with you all each week. Year 5 and any Year 6 children who won't be returning, I will be calling you each week and Year 6, I look forward to seeing you next…

Category: Hawks



Tremendous Tadpoles

Thank you so much for sending this wonderful picture in of your tadpoles. I hear they are growing fast, one even grew arms and legs over night. They are very hungry and are eating lots to help them grow. Thank you so much and keep us updated.

Category: Falcons

falcons uks2


Kestrels Junk Models

As part of your home learning this week I have set you the challenge of creating your own junk model and to blog about your model. 

Please use the comments below to write a description or share a picture of your model. 

If you want to e-mail pictures of your junk model to me, I can add the…

Category: Kestrels


Excellent Home learning from Ducklings

Image of Excellent Home learning from Ducklings

Look at Ollie's amazing home learning all about sunflowers! He looks very smart in his school uniform too, as he has been busy making his 'TopTips for Starting School'  Video, to help our new Ducklings that will be starting next year.

Amazing work and we love your sunflower writing all about…

Category: Ducklings

writing reading Understanding the World homework PSED


Fantastic Robin's Home learning and helping siblings

I was delighted this week to hear that some children have been helping their younger siblings and doing things with them. This image shows just that!! Well done Fraser!!

Here are some pictures of the Fantastic home learning going on. Well done to Zachary, Mia and Zach this week.

Category: Robins