Doves Home Learning

It has been wonderful to see what super home learning has been taking place this week. Well done Doves!

I would like to give a special well done to Jac.

Jac has been showing amazing kindness in his local area over the last few weeks. He has been donating his old DVDs to the children's ward…

Category: Doves


Our first week back!

Image of Our first week back!

It has been lovely to be back with the Ducklings this week and just see them playing, learning and chatting with their friends. The children have all coped amazingly with all of the changes to their daily routines and have been absolute super stars!

This week we have been learning all about…

Category: Ducklings

welcomeback ducklings



Yesterday afternoon we did some gardening and harvested lots of the vegetables that had been planted before Lockdown.  We managed to get quite a bit of produce which are going to be used by the kitchen at school.  


What vegetables can you spot in the photos?

Category: Parrots


Wonderful Falcons Art

A huge well done to this young man who has completed a fantastic piece of World War 2 inspired art.I am very proud of the work you have completed.

Category: Falcons

art History uks2


Owls Home Learning

Attached today to our Home Learning page are a selection of Maths sheets and a book activity.  Hope you are well, Mr. Vaughan



Falcons Fantastic World War 2 Art

Thank you so much to Oliver Walsh for sending in his World War 2 Art, all about the Blitz. I think the colours you have chosen are really striking and it is a fabulous piece of art. Well done.


Category: Falcons

art World War Two falcons


Our First Day Back!

Image of Our First Day Back!

Today was our first day back and the children have been fantastic. Things have been a little different as we can't wander from one activity to another.

When we came into Little Chicks we put our drink and snack into our bubble tray, hung up our coat and bag and then washed our hands before…

Category: Little Chicks


Owls Update 22.06


Hope you are all well. Attached on our Home Learning page is our Home Learning grid for the week and there are some more activities set on Education City.  I have also attached the local authority English plan for the week.  There will be some additional maths sheets added on Wednesday.  I…

Category: Owls



Eagles - 22nd June

Hello Eagles!

We are so excited to welcome our Year 6 children back to school this week. We have missed you so much and can't wait to have you back. We have got lots of lovely learning planned for the next four weeks. The classroom is ready for you and we have done everything we can to make it…

Category: Eagles


Robin's Remarkable Home Learning

Well done to all the children and parents for your continued effort with home learning! Here are some of the remarkable pictures I have received this week. Well done to Ella K, Abigail, Fraser and Zach.

Category: Robins


Parrots Bubble

Hello Parrots,

I hope you've all had a great week and are ready for the weekend.  I thought I'd post some photos of what our classroom looks like ready for the year 1's returning on Monday.  I've tried to keep it as familiar as possible however, you'll see that there are only 2 seats per group…

Category: Parrots


Coming Back to Little Chicks

Image of Coming Back to Little Chicks

Hi everyone!

Mrs Richardson and I are really looking forward to seeing you all next week! 

There will be a few things that will be a little different though.

  • We will be open 8.45-3.45 and children will do their normal sessions.
  • On arrival please line up on the socially distancing…

Category: Little Chicks