Ayrton's been busy!

Ayrton has been busy with some more home learning!

He has thought of some excellent rhyming words and has enjoyed using pens and pencils more, learning to form his letters and numbers.

While out and about he has been busy shape spotting and talking about space!

Fantastic work!

Category: Little Chicks


Jimmy's super maths!

Jimmy has been doing some super maths worksheets!

He has been using a number line independently to help him with some simple addition.

Well Done! I am very impressed!

Category: Little Chicks


Eric's home been very busy!

Image of Eric's home been very busy!

Eric has been very busy! On a walk he found a pond which has tadpoles and froglets in it. He has also created the life cycle of a frog out of plasticine and he got his Dad doing the activities too!!


Super work Eric. 

Email your photos to me and I will put them on the blog so…

Category: Little Chicks


Eric's home been very busy!

Image of Eric's home been very busy!

Eric has been very busy! On a walk he found a pond which has tadpoles and froglets in it. He has also created the life cycle of a frog out of plasticine and he got his Dad doing the activities too!!


Super work Eric. 

Email your photos to me and I will put them on the blog so…

Category: Little Chicks


Hawks quiz again!!

Today, Hawks went quizzing on Zoom again!

You all really impressed me with your effort this week, I am very proud of you all. A huge well done to our 3rd place winner Oliver, joint 2nd place winners Matthew, Annie and Nathaniel and our joint 1st place winners CARA, OLIVIA S AND DARCEY!!!

Category: Hawks



Growing sunflowers

Image of Growing sunflowers

Eva N has been growing a sunflower from a seed, caring for it and giving it all of the things that it needs to grow. We can't wait to see it bloom!

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Growing plants and seeds


Tricky words

Image of Tricky words

Eva know lots of her tricky words. Well done!

Category: Ducklings

reading Tricky words phonics


Active Lily!

Image of Active Lily!

Lily has been very active this week! She has been doing yoga.

Lily also did the purple challenge, the frog work out and really enjoyed leaping about!

She didn't stop there, she then went for an early evening walk/run along the prom, when it was cool and quiet!

Lily has also…

Category: Little Chicks


Ducklings!! We need your help!!

Hello Ducklings and Parents,

We need your help!!  

Are you a confident speaker? Would you like to be a film star? How would you like to help our new Ducklings for next year?

This is how you can help:

Sadly, our new Ducklings are unable to visit school at present and have the…

Category: Ducklings

ducklings Induction


Eve's Adventure

Eve has been on an adventure in some woods near to her house.  She found lots of different things including some rocks which she and Erin painted and then took back to the woods for other people to find.  I bet this brightened up someones day when they found these beautifully painted rocks.  Have…

Category: Parrots


Herons Zoom Call

Good Morning Herons!


I hope you have all had a lovely half term and have been doing lots of exciting thins and enjoying the sunshine!

I made phone calls last week and really enjoyed speaking to your and your families about how you are all doing and I will be finishing them off this…

Category: Herons


Owls Update 1st June

Dear Owls,

Hope you are all well and enjoying the beautiful weather we have been having.  I have added this week's Home Learning Grid and there were some activities put on Education City last week to complete.  Please remember that any work you wish to complete that you may have missed is still…

Category: Owls
