The Life Cycle of a Frog

Image of The Life Cycle of a Frog

Some more amazing work from one of our Ducklings - all about frogs. He has drawn and labelled a super life cycle, written a brilliant list of words that rhyme from the story, 'Oi Frog!' and drawn his own frog and thought of his own words to describe it. All with the most beautiful cursive…

Category: Ducklings

ducklings Life cycles


Eagles - 25th May - Wow Work!

Hello Eagles!

We hope you are all feeling well and looking after yourselves and your families. Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Zoom quiz last Friday. Well done to Ella, Lydia and Jack for getting the most answers right! Please find below some brilliant work completed by Eagles this…

Category: Eagles


Falcons Week 9 Home Learning

I am so very impressed with Falcons continued learning from home:


  • Zara has designed a poster on climate change.  She has also entered a competition, to write a postcard from a historical person's view of lockdown, which they have displayed on History Extra website.
  • Abbie has enjoyed…

Category: Falcons

falcons uks2


Owls Update 22.05.20

Hello Owls,

I hope you are all well and safely enjoying the sunshine.  Thank you for taking part in the quizzes this week- it was lovely to see some new faces.  Next week's Zoom quiz will be on Tuesday at 2pm.  Remember to prepare a question about you!

Next week our Home Learning Grid will…

Category: Owls



Hawks Learn at home week 7 and 8

Hawks, I am so impressed with all the fantastic learning you have been doing at home. 

Olivia has been working really hard on her art skills, Annie has been creative, Lincoln has been enjoying his science and Ruby and Jess created some amazing Anderson shelters!

Keep up the hard work!

Category: Hawks



More Home Learning...

Hi Parrots,


Here is some more home learning from Frankie and Jack.

Category: Parrots


Super learning in Doves

What a wonderful quiz we had! Thank you to everyone for joining in. It was lovely to see you all :-) It sounds like you have all been working very hard.

I am looking forward to our next quiz, don't forget to get your questions ready! Look out for the details on our home learning page.



Category: Doves


Jake's Story

Hi Parrots,

How has your week been?  I've been in school this week starting to get ready for our Year 1's returning.  Thanks to all of you who have sent me photos or videos of your home learning so far.

Here is a video Jake has produced of a story he has written and then recorded himself…

Category: Parrots


Hawks go zooming!

Today, we had our first ever quiz on Zoom!

You all did very well but a huge well done to our 3rd place winner Kayden, 2nd place winner Cara and our 1st place winner ANNIE!

What was your favourite round on the quiz? What round would you like to see in the quiz next week? What was your best…

Category: Hawks



Yellow Ducklings Zoom Quiz

I hope that you all enjoyed the quiz this morning! Miss Hutchinson and I had lots of fun! You impressed us all with your knowledge! 

We hope to do the same again in half-term week on Thursday at 10am! Hopefully see you then! Remember to think of a question for the children's question round at…

Category: Ducklings



Doves Zoom Quiz

Hi Doves,


Don't forget that our zoom quiz is taking place this afternoon, Thursday at 1pm.


Please see our home learning page with all of the information about how to join.


Looking forward to seeing you all later!


Miss C

Category: Doves


Another busy Duckling!

Image of Another busy Duckling!

Jack has enjoyed lots of learning. He has been doing lots of maths, using lego to practise sharing, halving and doubling. He made some bird feeders for the garden. He drew a giant Jack on some paper and he labelled all the parts of his body and coloured himself in. Jack enjoyed learning about life…

Category: Ducklings

ducklings Life cycles