A letter from Miss Hutchinson

Hello Ducklings,

I just wanted to send you a little message to say “Hello” to you and your families. I am missing you all lots and hope you are enjoying lots of time with your grown ups, as I am with Lily, Mason and Lewis. I have been enjoying the lovely weather outdoors and have been doing…

Category: Ducklings


Owls Update and quizzes!

Dear Owls,

Hope you are all well.  Thank you for all the messages and sharing your news with me- it's been lovely to see what you've been up to.  Next week's Home Learning grid will be up on Monday as well as a new selection of Education City activities.  If you have missed anything, everything…

Category: Owls



A great week of learning & ZOOM calls

It was absolutely wonderful to see some of you on Zoom this week! I loved hearing about all of the things you have been doing at home.

Look out for details of our ZOOM quiz taking place next week.


I have also loved receiving more photos of all the great learning you are doing at home.…

Category: Doves


Fantastic Falcons Work - Anderson Shelters

Thank you so much to Abbie and Olivia who have emailed pictures through of their wonderful Anderson Shelters that they have made. Well done!! They are fantastic!! Lovely to see you today!!


Category: Falcons

World War Two falcons uks2


Week 8 Even More Falcons Fab Work

The children in Falcons have been completing some fantastic work. It seems that even hairdressing has featured in there!! Looks amazing Oliver and really suits you. Zara your Anderson Shelter looks wonderful and very authentic. Well done everyone.


Category: Falcons

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Lola-Rose's Home Learning

Hi Parrots,

Hope you're all doing well so far this week.  Here are some photos of what Lola-Rose has been getting up to over the past couple of weeks.

Category: Parrots


Hawks zoom!

Today, we had our first ever zoom session and it was so lovely to see you all...and it worked!!! 

What did you like the most about the zoom call? What round would you like to see in the quiz next week?

I will update our home learning page on Sunday to let you know what day and time the zoom…

Category: Hawks



Hawks celebrate VE Day

Bunting, wearing red, white and blue and afternoon teas were just some of the ways Hawks celebrated VE Day last Friday.


How did you celebrate?


Category: Hawks


Owls Update ZOOM QUIZ Details

Just a quick reminder that today's quiz on Zoom will be at 2pm.  I will be inviting you at that time using the emails that you've sent to me.  Hopefully see you soon.

Mr Vaughan

Category: Owls



Leonardo's Home Learning

Leonardo has been busy doing lots of learning at home including maths and learning all about space.  Take a look at what he's been up to...

Category: Parrots


Herons home learning update

Hello Herons


Hope you are all keeping safe.

Thank you for sending me pictures and emails with all your fantastic home learning. Click on the link below to see pictures of what your classmates have been up to.

Category: Herons


Week 8 More Falcons Update

Thank you so much for your wonderful messages and photos: I have been making a timeline this morning. I'm going to do the other half tomorrow. We also made a den outside and pretended it was an Anderson shelter. We even made a radio and a gas mask. I'm in the middle of making a model of an…

Category: Falcons

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