Kestrels Keeping Busy

Hello All, 

I hope that everyone is keeping safe and well at home.

How are you all doing with the home learning work I have been setting for you each week? 

It has been lovely to hear form some of you - telling me all about your learning and other things you have been doing at…

Category: Kestrels


Eric's Home Learning

Image of Eric's Home Learning

Eric has been very busy creating plays every week for his Great Aunties on FaceTime, some are familiar stories and others he makes up himself.

He also did a 2.6km walk on Sunday for charity. Well done Eric!

He has also drawn a lovely picture of a frog and rainbow on a sunny day. 


Category: Little Chicks


Herons home learning

Image of Herons home learning

Herons class have been really busy over the past few weeks doing some fantastic home learning.

Keep up the hard work :) 

Click here to see more of your fantastic home learning

Category: Herons


Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Lily has been learning all about World War 2 medals and made these very realistic examples. Well done Lily they look great.


Category: Falcons

World War Two History uks2


Ducklings at Home

Image of Ducklings at Home

The Ducklings continue to be super stars with all of their learning at home. Over the last few weeks they have been finding out all about St George. Some of them have made brilliant shields, flags and dragons. Have a look at the lovely learning here...V 

Category: Ducklings

ducklings homework


Hawks' Home Learning Week 6

Hello Hawks!

I am so impressed with all of the home learning you are all doing and it is so lovely for us all to chat and update each other on here. Thank you to those who are emailing me all of their home learning including work, photos and videos.

I have attached PSHE some work focused on…

Category: Hawks


Owls Update 29.04.20

For those of you who have the Zoom app I'm looking to have a Zoom call with the Owls tomorrow following a successful trial.  To do this you will need the app (free) and you will need to ask me to add you.  You can find me by using my school email address


Category: Owls



Week 6 More Falcons Fab Work

Thank you so much to Olivia and Emily for sharing their great pictures of them baking a 1940's World War 2 recipe. I must admit the biscuits look delicious, I hope they tasted as good as they looked. Thank you so much for sharing.


Category: Falcons


Week 6 Falcons Fab Work

Sam has been busy looking at animal life cycles for science this week. How amazing that he has his own real-life example in his garden. Sam has been busy researching and recording information about the life cycle of a frog and is currently observing how the frog begins as a tadpole and makes the…

Category: Falcons

falcons uks2


More super learning from the Ducklings

Image of More super learning from the Ducklings

The Ducklings have been doing some fantastic learning at home. They have been busy reading, practising their phonics, writing, counting, keeping active and creating and making things. We love seeing all of your amazing learning and how you are keeping yourselves busy! Keep sending them…

Category: Ducklings

ducklings homework


Little Chicks Home Learning

Wow Little Chicks you have certainly been busy at home these past few weeks! Keep up the good work and thankyou for sending in your photos!

Category: Little Chicks


Owls Update

Attached is a VE Day activity for you to complete.  It can be found on our Home Learning page.  It's not until 8th May 2020.  Many thanks, Mr Vaughan

Category: Owls